
Karma unit testing plugin for vue-cli3

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import vueCliPluginUnitKarmajscli3 from '';



Run unit tests in a @vue/cli project with Karma and Mocha


$ vue add vue-cli-plugin-unit-karmajscli3

If you want to install it using npm:

$ npm install vue-cli-plugin-unit-karmajscli3
$ vue invoke vue-cli-plugin-unit-karmajscli3

If you don't want to use vue invoke, install required devDependencies which are present in generator/index.js.


vue-cli-service test:unit [options] [...files]

Injected commands:

  • vue-cli-service test:unit

    Default files matches are: any files in tests/unit that end in .spec.js.

    Command line options:

    • --watch, -w: run in watch mode

NOTE: If you want to override default karma settings, you can use the pluginOptions.karma key in vue.config.js like this:

pluginOptions: {
  karma: {
    files: [ 'tests/**/*.spec.js' ]

This module is inspired from vue-cli-plugin-unit-karmajs which has some sourcemap bugs when get coverage report with vue file,when use istanbul-instrumenter-loader , the way to fix it is set sourcemap false.

Vue cli3 vue.config.js

module.exports = {
  chainWebpack: config => {
    if (process.env.NODE_ENV === 'test') {
      config.devtool(false)/* muset set devtool false ,if not will get error file path with vue file*/
          esModules: true,
      browsers: ['Chrome'],
      reporters: ['mocha', 'coverage'],
      files: ['tests/unit/**/*.spec.js']