
Basic plugin for YM

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import vueCliPluginYmBasis from '';


This package has been deprecated

This project has been renamed to vue-cli-plugin-basis. Install using vue-cli-plugin-basis instead.


Vue-CLI 3.x plugin for ym.


:page_with_curl: Index

:warning: Heads up

Currently this is just a beta version.

If you switch from partial import to full import UI framework, You need to rerun the service.

:book: Intro

ym-basis plugin to add:

  1. Element,
  2. Vuetify,
  3. Vue Hamlet,
  4. Vue I18n,
  5. Moment,

to your Vue Project.

This plugin will provide login and homepage.

:rocket: Getting Started

:arrow_down: Install:

:warning: Make sure you have Vue-CLI 3.x:

vue --version

If you haven't yet installed Vue-CLI 3.x,

first follow the install instructions here:

Create your new project with Vue-CLI 3.x:

vue create my-app

Before installing the ym-basis plugin, make sure to commit or stash your changes in case you need to revert.

Navigate to the newly created project folder, Then, to install the ym-basis plugin:

cd my-app
vue add ym-basis

Finally, serve your project which will be available at http://localhost:8090

Start your app:

npm run serve

Open http://localhost:8090 to see the demo.

:white_check_mark: TODO

  • add: ECharts
  • add: Vue-ECharts
  • add: Remote Presets.
  • mod: styles folder.
  • mod: change VueResource to axios.
  • ......
  • ......

:exclamation: Issues

If you run into any issues you can hit us up on issues

:copyright: License