
Cookie Management UI for Vue.js

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import vueCookiefy from '';


:warning: Note This project is in status: work in progress

:warning: Note This documentation is in the making


Cookiefy for Vue

A minimal Cookie Managenent UI for Vue.js



  • 🎨 Cookie banner overlay UI
  • 🎨 Information overlay UI
  • πŸ‘¨β€βš–οΈ GDPR compliant:
    • βœ… Opt-in
    • βœ… Easy to deny
  • 🧠 Cookiefy remembers if it has been accepted and won't popup every reload
    • βœ… Sets a COOKIEFY_SEEN Cookie to true
    • βœ… Is an essential Cookie and is also GDPR compliant
  • 🎨 Customizable fields for cookies & privacy
  • 🎨 Customizable color
  • ✨ You let Cookiefy handle the UI - you just handle the results


Cookiefy uses Vuex Store to handle state. Vuex has to be installed or Cookiefy wont work. For Vue.js you can use the Vue CLI to add Vuex with one command:

vue add vuex


npm install vue-cookiefy



First go to your main.js file and register Cookiefy

// main.js
import Vue from 'vue'
import Cookiefy from 'vue-cookiefy'


Then you can add Cookiefy in any of your components

// YourComponent.vue

export default {
  name: 'YourComponent',
  data() {
    return {
      cookiefy: true,


For Nuxt.js we will create a simple plugin to inject the Cookiefy component into your app. First create a file named cookiefy.js in your @/plugins folder.

// @/plugins/cookiefy.js
import Vue from 'vue'
import Cookiefy from 'vue-cookiefy'


Then register the plugin in your Nuxt.js configuration file nuxt.config.js

// nuxt.config.js 
export default {
  // ...
  plugins: [
  // ...

Now you can use <Cookiefy /> in any of your components.


Prop Type Default Description
cookieField Array [] Containing the fields to select showed in the cookie overlay
privacyData Array [] Contains the title and fields showed in the privacy overlay
innerText String Placeholder Set the user information about the cookie usage on your app
color String #ff3d17 Primary color of the elements
lang Object English Language of elements - see here

Custom fields

You can easily define your cookies and privacy text as fields using the cookieFields & privacyFields props.

// YourComponent.vue
  export default {
    name: 'YourComponent',
    data() {
      return {
        cookiefy: true,
        cookieFields: [
            text: 'Essential Cookies',
            checked: true,
            readonly: true,
            text: 'Google Analytics',
            checked: true,
            readonly: true,
        privacyFields: [
            title: 'Essential Cookies',
              'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Optio id sed quas corporis...',
            title: 'Google Analytics',
              'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Optio id sed quas corporis...',


Event Description Return
@accept On user clicks accept Returns an Array which contains all fields and results of the user selection
      // ...

  export default {
    name: 'YourComponent',

    // ...
    methods: {
      // this method is called when the user accepts 
      onAccept(fields) {
        // handle response here

Response Structure

The @accept event returns all defined fields as an Array.

// The returned Array of fields is structured like this
    text: 'Essential Cookies', 
    checked: true,
    text: 'Google Analytics', 
    checked: true
  // ...

Now after you got the user response you can set your Cookies safely.

Custom Language

You can easily change the language/text of the elements by using the lang prop.

      // ...

  export default {
    name: 'YourComponent',
    data() {
      return {
        // ...
        lang: {
          acceptAll: 'Alle akzeptieren',
          asSelected: 'Wie Auswahl',
          info: 'Mehr',
          close: 'Schließen',
          infoTitle: 'Informationen',

The prop lang has following changable fields: | Field | Type | Description | Default | | :------------- | :----- | :----------- | :------------ | | acceptAll | String | Button text | "Accept all" | | asSelected | String | Button text | "As selected" | | info | String | Button text | "More" | | close | String | Button text | "Close" | | infoTitle | String | Dialog title | "Information" |