
Vue Plugin for embedding Disqus.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import vueDisqusEmbed from '';



Vue Plugin for embedding Disqus.

See here the Demo

See here for vue-disqus-count


npm install --save vue-disqus-embed


yarn add vue-disqus-embed


Global Registration

import Vue from 'vue'
import VueDisqusEmbed from 'vue-disqus-embed'

Vue.use(VueDisqusEmbed, {

Not Using Webpack

If you don't use webpack (for example in CodePen etc):

<script src="node-modules/vue-disqus-embed/dist/vue-disqus-embed.umd.js"></script>

or use unpkg

<script src=""></script>

and then you still need to install it:

Vue.use(VueDisqusEmbed, {

Basic Usage

Create an account at Disqus and obtain the shortname for your app, it's required when you register the plugin.

Vue.use(VueDisqusEmbed, {

The next thing that is important is, you can not use url with hash mode (if your url have #/ this thing, it won't work). So if you use vue-router, make sure it's in history mode.

It is caused by Disqus doesn't support #/, but they support #!/ path.

For every page that has different Disqus thread, you need provide identifier and url, it's required. The url should be the final url used in production, and identifier need to be unique and not empty.

  <vue-disqus-embed :identifier="identifier" :url="url" />

  export default {
    data () {
      return {
        identifier: '',
        url: '',
    mounted() {
      // Could work with async data
      // It needs identifier and url not empty before updated
      fetchData().then((response) => {
        this.identifier = response.identifer
        this.url = response.url

Change Link Color

You can change Disqus link color with changing global a color.

a {
  color: teal;


See the Demo and the corresponding code


As I have said before, you can not use hash mode. Use history mode. Or if you really want to use hash mode, you need to use hashbang (#!/) rather than hash (#/).

Tips for deploying to Static Server

If you are deploying to Github, it would be problematic to use history mode. Because if you refresh the page, it will get 404.html page. The trick here, you can redirect 404.html page to the index.html. See the source for example.


If you have question, just post in issues.