
Living documentation for your components with build in routing

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import vueDocumentor from '';


Vue documentor


As your project and codebase grows the number of components grows rapidly with it and you will properly have a hard time to remember what a component is used for and what props it'll take. With this in mind i have created vue-documentor.

An easy to use and easy to extend package for displaying component documentation.

Vue-documentor will scaffold routing and documentation for all of your components. Vue-documentor is a addon for the vue router. Simply just pull in the package and add a method to your routing. Voila. You got component documentation!


Vue-documentor is available as a npm package at

yarn add vue-documentor


npm install vue-documentor

Getting started

  1. Install vue-documentor

    yarn add vue-documentor

  2. Add vue-documentor to routing and parse your components
  3. Profit!

You need to add three properties to your components. A name, an introduction and a token (the html tag).

All props on a component need to be defined as Objects with a type and a note.

In your router-file import vue-documentor and use the mapDocumentorRoutes-function.

Example components:

export default {
    name: 'component-a',
    introduction: 'This is the ComponentA',
    description: 'Renders a collection of items',
    token: '<component-a :items="[{}]" />',
    props: {
        items: {
            type: Array, 
            required: true, 
            note: 'The collection that will be rendered'


import {mapDocumentorRoutes} from 'vue-documentor' 
import ComponentA from '@/components/ComponentA'
import ComponentB from '@/components/ComponentB'
import ComponentC from '@/components/ComponentC'

new Router({
    // Define your own routes
    // {path: '/', name: 'Home', component: Home},
        // ...

Export all components at once

An easy way to include all your components is to create a file that exports all of them.

// components/index.js

import ComponentA from './ComponentA'
import ComponentB from './ComponentB'
import ComponentC from './ComponentC'

export {

You will then in your router file be able to get rid of all those imports

You will now be able to import * from the component-file


import * as AllComponents from './components'

new Router({

You will now be able to visit /#/documentor to see your vue-documentor


You can easily create your own theme by copying the vue-documentor/style directory to your own assets.

cp node_modules/vue-documentor/style src/assets/vue-documentor-theme

Inspired by

This package is inspired by


  • Options: Add uri
  • Options: Add ability to use own component for rendering a collection of components
  • Options: Add ability to use own component for rendering a single doc item
  • Add testing utils to pull in for testing your own component