
A Vue Material adapter for Vuelidate

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import vueMaterialVuelidate from '';


A Vue Material adapter for Vuelidate

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As of v0.2.0, this repository has moved to @undecaf/vue-material-vuelidate. Please update your dependencies accordingly. Thank you for using vue-material-vuelidate, and my apologies for the inconvenience!

Vuelidate is a model-based validation for Vue.js that decouples validations nicely from the template.

This package (components MdVuelidated and MdVuelidatedMsg) simplifies using Vuelidate together with Vue Material:

  • Reduces boilerplate markup in the template
  • Suppresses validation messages for fields that are still untouched (similar to Angular Material)
  • Can be used with MdField, MdAutocomplete, MdChips and MdDatepicker


As a module:

$ npm install vue-material-vuelidate
$ yarn add vue-material-vuelidate

Included as <script>:

<link rel="stylesheet" href="">
<script src=""></script>


Registering the components

import MdVuelidated from 'vue-material-vuelidated'
import 'vue-material-vuelidated/dist/components.css'
// This must come after Vue.use(VueMaterial) and Vue.use(Vuelidate):

Validating Vue Material form fields

In order to validate <md-field> (any type of <input>), <md-autocomplete>, <md-chips> or <md-datepicker>:

  • Replace that tag with <md-vuelidated>.
  • Pass the desired Vue Material tag name as property field.
  • Express constraints in the validations object of your component in the usual way.
  • Bind property model to the respective validations member, e.g. $v.input.
  • What to use as v-model for the input depends on the input component, see the examples below.


All examples assume that a suitable validations object has been defined.

Validating text:

<md-vuelidated field="md-field" :model="$">
  <label>Enter your email address</label>
  <md-input type="email" v-model.trim="$$model" />

Validating a selection:

<md-vuelidated field="md-field" :model="$v.toppings">
  <label>Select at most two toppings</label>
  <md-select v-model.trim="toppings" multiple>
    <md-option value="1">Pepperoni</md-option>
    <md-option value="2">Mushrooms</md-option>
    <md-option value="3">Onions</md-option>

Validating an autocomplete field:

<md-vuelidated field="md-autocomplete" :md-options="colors" :model="$v.color">
  <label>Select a color</label>

Validating a chips field:

<md-vuelidated field="md-chips" md-placeholder="Enter keywords" :model="$v.keywords">

Validating a date:

<md-vuelidated field="md-datepicker" :model="$v.birthday">
  <label>Select your birthday</label>

Providing validation messages

Validation messages can be specified in two ways (both methods can be combined):

  1. As the messages property of <md-vuelidated>. This property must be bound to an object containing the message for each Vuelidate constraint, e.g. :messages="{ required: 'This field is required' }".

    These messages appear below the corresponding input field.

  2. As <md-vuelidated-msg> elements, either inside <md-vuelidated> or somewhere else. The Vuelidate constraint must be bound to property constraint, see the examples below.

    Messages placed inside <md-vuelidated> appear below the corresponding input field.
    Messages outside <md-vuelidated> are visible only if their container has CSS-class md-invalid.


Using the messages property:

      required: 'Your mail address is required',
      email: 'Not a valid mail address',
  <label>Enter your email address</label>
  <md-input type="email" v-model.trim="$$model" />

As <md-vuelidated-msg> tags:

<md-vuelidated field="md-field" :model="$">
  <label>Enter your email address</label>
  <md-input type="email" v-model.trim="$$model" />
  <md-vuelidated-msg :constraint="$">Your mail address is required</md-vuelidated-msg>
  <md-vuelidated-msg :constraint="$">Not a valid mail address</md-vuelidated-msg>

Combining both methods:

    :messages="{ required: 'Your mail address is required' }">
  <label>Enter your email address</label>
  <md-input type="email" v-model.trim="$$model" />
  <md-vuelidated-msg :constraint="$">Not a valid mail address</md-vuelidated-msg>


Software: MIT

Documentation: CC-BY-SA 4.0