
This is a Vue mixin to persist component data in url query.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import vueRouterStateMixin from '';



This is a Vue mixin to persist component data in url query.

This mixin is inspired by Kibana. Kibana keeps all the state(app and global) in url query, encoded in rison format which is url safe and human readable.

This plugin does not support global state at present.


$ npm i vue-router-state-mixin


In main.js

Import parseQuery and use it as a global before guard.

import routerStateMixin from 'vue-router-state-mixin';

In your component

Define a property named appState, the default value will be used as initial state and exported to data.

The term appState is borrowed from Kibana.

import routerStateMixin from 'vue-router-state-mixin';
export default {
    name: 'MyComponent',
    mixins: [routerStateMixin.createRouterStateMixin({
            syncTimeout: 200,
    props: {
        appState: {
            type: Object,
            default() {
                return {
                    pageSize: 10,
                    pageNbr: 1,
                    q: 'vue router',
                    // other ...
                    // all fields above will be watched and keep in sync with url query
    data() {
        return {
            // other non-persist data, like search results etc.
            items: [],
            total: 100
    computed: {
        query() {
            // Define another prop computed by several data,
            // this is a convenience way to watch multiple props.
            const {q, pageSize, pageNbr} = this;
            return {
    methods: {
        search() {
            // do search on query
    // Do NOT forget this
    beforeRouteUpdate() {
        // ensureAppState is a method defined in mixin,
        // it will keep data synced with url
    watch: {
        query() {
            // search again