
position selection component for Vue and/or Framework7

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import vueSelectposition from '';



position selection component for Vue and/or Framework7


None Vue version: jsFiddle


    <select-position @changed="doValue" :static="true" :preselected="initialValue" size="25px" />

    import selectposition from 'selectPosition';
    Vue.component('select-position', selectposition);
  • @changed (fn(val)) - event triggered on tapping an area, that gets the same value passed as preselected
  • static (bool) - disables interaction
  • preselected ('tl', 'tr', 'bl', 'br', 'cc') - what area is selected (is like :value on other elements)
    • control updates if value changes
  • size (css value) - defines the size, is set for height and width to be square


if you do not use Framework7, you need to overwrite the color variables in a style block (they are prefilled with F7 definitions).

color definition

[data-selectpostion] {
    --sp-default-border-size: 1px;
    --sp-default-border-color: var(--f7-button-border-color, var(--f7-theme-color));
    --sp-default-bg: var(--f7-block-strong-bg-color);
    --sp-selected-border-size: 1px;
    --sp-selected-border-color: var(--f7-button-fill-bg-color, var(--f7-theme-color));
    --sp-selected-bg: var(--f7-button-fill-bg-color, var(--f7-theme-color));
    --sp-hover-border-size: 1px;
    --sp-hover-border-color: var(--f7-button-fill-pressed-bg-color, var(--f7-theme-color-tint));
    --sp-hover-bg: var(--f7-button-fill-pressed-bg-color, var(--f7-theme-color-tint));
    --sp-default-border-radius: var(--f7-button-border-radius);