
Simple Vue 3 wrapper on svg-pan-zoom.js library written using composition API with Typescript support.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import vueZoomable from '';



Simple Vue 3 wrapper on svg-pan-zoom.js library written using composition API with Typescript support.


npm install vue-zoomable


    style="width: 500px; height: 500px; border: 1px solid black"
      <circle x="10" y="10" r="50" />

<script setup lang="ts">
import VueZoomableSvg from "vue-zoomable";

Currently the vue-zoomable only works with a svg child -- embed won't work.


attribute default Observable
zoomEnabled true yes
controlIconsEnabled false yes
fit true no
panEnabled true yes
dblClickZoomEnabled true yes
mouseWheelZoomEnabled true yes
preventMouseEventsDefault true no
contain false no
center true no
viewportSelector null (Selects child svg) no
zoomScaleSensitivity 0.2 no
minZoom 0.5 no
maxZoom 10 no
refreshRate auto no


  • beforeZoom
  • onZoom
  • beforePan
  • onPan
  • onUpdatedCTM
  • svgpanzoom

Prevent Default Behaviour

  <VueZoomableSvg @beforePan="beforePan"> .... </VueZoomableSvg>

<script setup lang="ts">
let beforePan = (ev: any) => {
  ev.preventDefault(); // prevents panning

svgpanzoom object

To access the created svgpanzoom javascript object, you can listen to the svgpanzoom event on the SvgPanZoom component.

    style="width: 500px; height: 500px; border: 1px solid black"
      <circle x="10" y="10" r="50" />

<script setup lang="ts">
import VueZoomableSvg from "vue-zoomable";
let svgpanzoom = (ev: any) => {
