
Like vue2-ace-editor but more functional and supports Vue 3

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import vue3AceEditor from '';




A packaging of ace. Inspired by vue2-ace-editor, but supports Vue 3

How to use

  1. Install

    yarn add vue3-ace-editor
  2. Register it in components of Vue options

    import { VAceEditor } from 'vue3-ace-editor';
    export default {
        components: {
  3. Use the component in template

        style="height: 300px" />

    prop v-model:value is required. <v-ace-editor> has no height by default. Its height must be specified manually, or set both min-lines and max-lines to make the editor's height auto-grow.

    prop lang, theme is same as ace-editor's doc

Deferences with vue2-ace-editor

  1. This component uses ace-builds directly, instead of the outdated wrapper brace
  2. DOM size changes are detected automatically using ResizeObserver, thus no width / height props needed.
  3. For easier usage, more props / events added / emitted.
    1. Prop readonly: This Boolean attribute indicates that the user cannot modify the value of the control.
    2. Prop placeholder: A hint to the user of what can be entered in the control.
    3. Prop wrap: Indicates whether the control wraps text.
    4. Prop printMargin: A short hand of showPrintMargin and printMarginColumn.
    5. Prop minLines and maxLines: Specifiy the minimum and maximum number of lines.
    6. All ace events emitted. Docs can be found here:
    7. Some commonly used methods focus, blur, selectAll provided as shortcuts.

Enable syntax checking

To enable syntax checking, module ace/mode/lang_worker must be registered, and option useWorker: true must be set.

Take JSON for example:

import workerJsonUrl from 'ace-builds/src-noconflict/worker-json?url'; // For vite

import workerJsonUrl from 'file-loader?esModule=false!ace-builds/src-noconflict/worker-json.js'; // For webpack / vue-cli

ace.config.setModuleUrl('ace/mode/json_worker', workerJsonUrl);
<v-ace-editor v-model:value="json" lang="json" :options="{ useWorker: true }" />

See also to load the worker file from CDN

Breaking change

Using of ace-builds/webpack-resolver is removed due to bug You MUST import theme and mode yourself. eg.

import 'ace-builds/src-noconflict/mode-text';
import 'ace-builds/src-noconflict/theme-chrome';

Find all supported themes and modes in node_modules/ace-builds/src-noconflict