
Pusher plugin for vue.js

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import vuecher from '';


Vue Pusher

A pusher plugin for vue.js


Install the plugin like any other plugin. :)

var Vue = require('vue');

Vue.use(require('vue-pusher'), {
    api_key: 'xxxxxx',
    options: {
        cluster: 'ap1',
        encrypted: true,

Manually using the pusher instance.

Inside your components, you just need to access the $pusher object.

export default {
    ready () {
        var channel = this.$pusher.subscribe('dashboard');

        channel.bind('user.log', ({ log }) => {
            console.log(`User ${} has ${log.action} at ${log.time}`);

Subscribing to a channel.

Subscribing to a channel providers a callback where you can bind events.

this.$pusher.subscribe('dashboard', channel => {
    channel.bind('user.log', ({ log }) => {
        console.log(`User ${} has ${log.action} at ${log.time}`);

Unsubscribing to a channel.
