
This library just makes it simple to create, reuse, promisify and build chains of modal dialogs in Vue.js.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import vuejsConfirmDialog from '';



This library just makes it simple to create, reuse, promisify and build chains of modal dialogs in Vue.js.

Made with Composition API.

Powered by vue-demi, so you can use it in Vue 2, but this required @vue/composition-api >= v1.1

⚠️ Warning! Work in progress. Don't use it in production! Breaking changes may occur!


This is a library for creating reusable dialogs. It takes your modal component and builds a structure for dialogs that wait for user confirmation. You can work with it like with promises or work with dialog hooks that the library generates for you.


in 3 steps

Step 0

Add the package to your node_modules

npm i vuejs-confirm-dialog

Step 1

Install the plugin:

// main.js
import { createApp } from 'vue'
import App from './App.vue'
import * as ConfirmDialog from 'vuejs-confirm-dialog'


Step 2

Add DialodsWrapper to App.vue template:

// App.vue
  <div class="app">

  <!-- put it in the template of your App.vue file to make this library work -->
  <!-- Don't need import the component, if you installed the plugin -->
  <DialogsWrapper />

And that's it. Now you can use it.


Build Modal Window. It must contain emits confirm and cancel. It also must contain prop show. Put v-if="show" in its template for conditional rendering(no longer need to).

<!-- ModalWindow.vue -->
<script setup>
  const emit = defineEmits(['confirm', 'cancel'])

    <!-- The modal component body -->
    <button @click="emit('confirm', true)">Confirm</button><br />
    <button @click="emit('cancel', false)">Cancel</button>

Use this modal window wherever you want in your project:

<script setup>
import ModalWindow from 'path/to/ModalWindow.vue'
import { createConfirmDialog } from 'vuejs-confirm-dialog'

const { reveal, onConfirm } = createConfirmDialog(ModalWindow)


onConfirm(() => {

For more info check this full Vue 3 example.


Clone the project and run the following command to see the demo:

pnpm run demo

The demo is styled by beautiful daisyUI.


  • Make it work!

  • Make it work without show prop

  • TSDoc

  • Improve docs( reuse, passing props ...)

  • Change testing tools to Vitest

  • Improove tests


Inspired by Vueuse and vue-modal-dialogs. Thanks to all creators of these projects ❤️!