
Plugin to make a consistent state between page refreshing using whether localStorage, SessionStorage or other

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import vuexBrowserStorage from '';


Vue Analytics

Simple implementation of Google Analytics in Vue.js

Standard - JavaScript Style Guide

Dispatch events and track views from Vue components.


  • Vue.js. > 2.0.0
  • Google Analytics account. To retrieve Data


npm install vue-ua -S or yarn add vua-ua if you use Yarn package manager

Here is an example of configuration, compose with it on your own :

import VueAnalytics from 'vue-ua'
import VueRouter from 'vue-router'
const router = new VueRouter({routes, mode, linkActiveClass})

Vue.use(VueAnalytics, {
  appName: '<app_name>',
  appVersion: '<app_version>',
  trackingId: '<your_tracking_id>',
  debug: true, // Whether or not display console logs (optional)
  vueRouter: router, // Pass the router instance to automatically sync with router (optional)
  ignoredViews: ['homepage'], // If router, you can exclude some routes name (case insensitive)
  globalDimensions: [
    {dimension: 1, value: 'MyDimensionValue'},
    {dimension: 2, value: 'AnotherDimensionValue'}


Once registered you can access vue analytics in your components like this :

export default {
    name: 'MyComponent',
    data () {
      return {
        someData: false
    methods: {
      onClick: function() {
        this.$ua.trackEvent('Banner', 'Click', 'I won money!')
        // OR
        this.$analytics.trackEvent('Banner', 'Click', 'I won money!')
    mounted () {

You can also access the instance everywhere using, it's useful when you are in the store or somewhere else than components.

API reference

trackEvent (category, action = null, label = null, value = null, fieldsObject = {})

   * Dispatch an analytics event.
   * Format is the same as analytics classical values.
   * @param category
   * @param action
   * @param label
   * @param value
   * @param fieldsObject

trackView (screenName)

   * Dispatch a view using the screen name
   * @param screenName

injectGlobalDimension (dimensionNumber, value)

   * Inject a new GlobalDimension that will be sent every time.
   * Prefer inject through plugin configuration.
   * @param {int} dimensionNumber
   * @param {string|int} value