
json api client

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import vuexJsonapiClient from '';


A rest client that follow the jsonapi specificaccion

Status (alpha)

The library was created by refactoring the CMC project. The refactoring is still in progress.


  • get(url): Makes a get ajax request. The entries returned by the request are stored in vuex.

    NOTICE: The ajax request/response is cached. To avoid that the response is cached, use get({ url, cache: false })

    import { Utils } from 'vuex-jsonapi-client'
    data () {
      return {
        ticketRefs = []
    async mounted () {
      response = await this.$store.dispatch('get', '')
      ticketRefs = Utils.entryArrayToRef(
    computed: {
      tickets () {
        return => {
          return this.$store.entry(ref)
  • create({ resource, payload }): Ajax POST request. The result is stored in vuex.

      resource: '', // or just 'users' when endpoint is set
      payload: {
        attributes: {
          firstname: 'Lara'
  • update({ entry, payload }): Ajax PUT call. It merge, the passed payload, with the entry and stored it to vuex, before making the ajax request.

    const user = {
      id: '1',
      type: 'users',
      links: {
        self: '/api/v1/users/1'
      entry: user,
      payload: {
        attributes: {
          firstname: 'Lara'
  • createOrUpdate({ resource, entry, payload }): Create or update the resource depending if it exists or not. If the entry is not null, then it requires that the entry has the field: links.self

      resource: '', // or just 'users' when endpoint is set
      entry: this.$store.getters.entry({ id: '1', 'users' }),
      payload: {
        attributes: {
          firstname: 'Lara'
  • destroy({ entry }): Ajax DELETE request. It remove the entry from vuex before making the request.

    const user = {
      id: '1',
      type: 'users',
      links: {
        self: '/api/v1/users/1'
  • loadRelationship({ entry, name }): check if all entries in a relationship are

    const user = {
      id: '1',
      type: 'users',
      relationships: {
        projects: {
          links: {
            self: '/api/v1/users/1/projects'
      entry: user,
      name: 'projects'

    loaded, if this is the case, then it return a promise with the entries, if not nall entries could be founded, then it call the api, by the url indicated in the relationship.

  • request({ method = get, payload, url }): perform a request. Default request type is GET.

  • postRelationship({ entry, relationship, payload, delayed = false }): replace one relationship

    computed: {
      labels: {
        set (labels) {
          this.$store.disptach('postRelationship', {
            entry: this.ticket,
            relationship: 'labels',
            payload: { data: labels }
        get () {


  • entry({ entry, id }): return an entry.
      props: {
        entry: {
          id: { required: true },
          type: { required: true }
      computed: {
        ticket () {
          return this.$store.getters(this.ticketRef)
  • relationship(entry, name): return the, loaded, entry/entries of an relationship.
      computed: {
        ticket () {
        labels () {
          return this.$store.getters.relationsip(this.ticket, 'labels')


  • entryToRef(entry)
    import { Utils } from 'vuex-jsonapi-client'
    const entry = { id: 1, type: 'labels', attributes: { name: 'test' } }
    // prints { id: 1, type: 'labels' }
  • entryArrayToRef(entryArray)
    import { Utils } from 'vuex-jsonapi-client'
    const entryArray = [
      { id: 1, type: 'labels', attributes: { name: 'test1' } },
      { id: 2, type: 'labels', attributes: { name: 'test1' } }
    // prints [{ id: 1, type: 'labels' }, { id: 2, type: 'labels' }]

