
Node.js wrapper for W3 Validator

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import w3v from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/w3v';



Node.js wrapper for W3 Validator


npm install w3v


const w3v = require('w3v');

w3v(fs.readFileSync('is_valid.html', 'utf8'))
.then(result => {
   console.log('Result: ', result.message);
   // '84 errors'

   console.log('Errors list:', result.errors);
   // ['line 44 -> Quote “"” in attribute name. Probable cause: Matching quote missing somewhere earlier.']
.catch(err => {

:warning: Beautified results are only supported for json format!

Set custom request params

If, for example, you want to change the server response format from json to something else, you could overwrite the default request object:

w3v('<html>', {
   request: {
      url: 'https://validator.w3.org/nu/',
      qs: {
         out: 'json'
      headers: {
         'Content-Type': 'text/html; charset=utf-8',
         'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/41.0.2272.101 Safari/537.36'

Filter the results

If you don't want to get the whole list of errors, you could specify the list of results you'd like to filter. There is no need to define the exact error text, just a part of it (searching method is Array.indexOf).

w3v('<html>', {
   filters: [
      'Element “title” must not be empty',
      'A document must not include both a “meta” element'

Please keep in mind that I've already set a number of my own filters, and their number will increase over time. To reset all my filters you could set filters: [].

Get raw results

By default this module cuts off info and warning from the results. So the raw parameter allows you to get the full server response without any changes:

w3v('<html>', {
   raw: true




  • a bit simplified api
  • speed improvements