
Node.JS API to communicate with warehouse.ai

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import warehouseAiApiClient from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/warehouse.ai-api-client';



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API client to communicate with warehouse.ai.


npm install warehouse.ai-api-client --save


const Warehouse = require('warehouse.ai-api-client');
const wrhs = new Warehouse('https://warehouse-instance');

// Get build for environment for a given package name
wrhs.builds.get({ env, pkg }, (err, build) => {});

// Get release-line information for a package, if version is omitted, uses latest
wrhs.releaseLine.get({ pkg, version }, (err, build) => {});


There is ton of configuration you can do with your client. While you can just pass a string like the above snippet to configure where your wrhs instance is hosted, there are a bunch of additional options you can pass as an object:

const wrhs = new Warehouse({
  uri: 'https://warehouse-instance', // where the wrhs instance is located
  statusUri: 'https://warehouse-status-instance', // where the warehouse.ai-status-api instance is located
  retry: {}, // retry configuration (see below)
  auth: {
    type: 'basic', // 'basic' or bearer supported
    token: 'myuser:mypass', // for bearer option, it would just be the string for the token, ie 123a4567-1a23-12345-a123-a1ab123a1234
    encoded: false // For basic auth and this is default behavior, can be set to true if you want to pass in the base64 string of user:pass
  timeout: 3e4, // how long to wait until a request times out, in milliseconds
  strictSSL: false, // whether or not to use https
  concurrency: 10, // how many builds to verify at once (you can also use conc as shorthand)
  dry: false, // whether or not to skip verification for each build
  builds: {
    cache: {
      enabled: false
      // any other cache options (see below)
  assets: {
    cache: {
      enabled: false
      // any other cache options (see below)
  • The retry options are just parameters passed into retryme.
  • The cache options are just those passed to out-of-band-cache


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