
Convert waterline models and query results to valid jsonapi payloads

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import waterlineToJsonapi from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/waterline-to-jsonapi';



This library converts your waterline query results to valid jsonapi responses.


First up you need to initialize the library with your waterline instance:

var jsonapi = require('waterline-to-jsonapi')(waterline)

Returning a single resource

// GET /owners/1/relationship/pets
var pet = await Pet.findOne(1).populate('owner')
this.body = jsonapi.single(pet, 'pet') // 'pet' is the identity of the model

{ "data": {
    "type": "pet"
  , "id": "1"
  , "attributes": {
      "name": "foo"
  , "relationships": {
      "owner": {"data": {"type": "owner", "id": "1"} }
, included: [
      "type": "owner"
    , "id": "1"
    , "attributes": {
        "name": "John"
    , "relationships": {
        "pets": {
            {"type":"pet", "id": "1"}

Sparse fieldsets

var data = jsonapi.single(item, 'pet', {fields: {
  pet: 'name,owner'

This works for jsonapi.single(), jsonapi.collection() and jsonapi.relation().

Note: In order to obtain an object that complies to this format, you may want to use a querystring parser that supports nested data, like qs.

Adding links and meta info

You can always add links and meta data as follows:

var pet = await Pet.findOne(1)
var data = jsonapi.single(pet, 'pet')

jsonapi.addLinks(data, {
  self: '/api/pets/1'

jsonapi.addMeta(data, {
  copyright: '(c) forever by Microsoft'

this.body = data

Returning collections

// Old pets
var oldPets = await Pet.find({age: {'>': 2}})
this.body = jsonapi.collection(oldPets, 'pet')

Returning relationships

// All of Walter's pets
var walter = await Owner.findOne({name: 'Walter'}).populate('pets')
this.body = jsonapi.relation(walter, 'owner', 'pets')


var waterline = new Waterline
// ...
var jsonapi = require('waterline-to-jsonapi')(waterline)

jsonapi.single(model:Model, collection:String|Collection [, opts:Object])

  • model A Model object, as returned e.g. by Collection#findOne()
  • collection Either the identity string of the collection, or the collection object as stored in waterline.collections
  • opts See "options".

Turns a single model into a jsonapi reponse. If you have populated some association attributes, those will be added to the payload automatically under the included property.

jsonapi.collection(list:Array<Model>, collection:String|Collection [, opts:Object])

  • list A list of Model object, as returned e.g. by Collection#find()
  • collection Either the identity string of the collection, or the collection object as stored in waterline.collections
  • opts See "options".

Turns a list of models into a jsonapi response. If you have populated some association attributes, those will be added to the payload automatically under the included property.

Also see jsonapi.relation(), which returns a payload adhering to the spec for relationship objects.

jsonapi.relation(item:Model, baseCollection:String|Collection, attr:String [, opts:Object])

  • item A Model object, as returned e.g. by Collection#findOne()
  • baseCollection Either the identity string of the collection, or the collection object as stored in waterline.collections
  • attr The attribute of the base model that represents the relation
  • opts See "options".

Returns a jsonapi relationship response, optionally with the full resources included if you have populated the relation.

var owner = await Owner.findOne({name: 'John'})
this.body = jsonapi.relation(owner, 'owner', 'pets')


  • fields Sparse fieldset constraints (optional). Must be an object with collection identities as keys and string lists of attributes as values: {pets: 'name,age,owner', owner: 'name,pets'}


Turns your errors into a valid jsonapi response. You can either pass a single error or an array of errors.

jsonapi.addLinks(payload:Object, links:Object)

Add links to your jsonapi response.

jsonapi.addMeta(payload:Object, meta.Object)

Add meta info to your jsonapi response.


(c) 2016 by Marcel Klehr

MIT License