
synchronized webdriver runner

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import webdriverRunner from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/webdriver-runner';



  const exploreLink = driver.findElements(By.css('.HeaderNavlink'))[3]

Simple test runner for Synchronized selenium webdriver tests built on mochajs and selenium-webdriver. this project is heaviley inspired from WebdriverIO & Selenium-Webdriver

Basic examples are at lib/examples


npm install webdriver-runner

Note: selenium-webdriver will not be installed as it is not a direct dependency. Client is free to install any version of selenium-webdriver.

Getting started

We are excited that you want to try webdriver-runner.

webdriver-runner is a simple test runner for webdriver tests. The main features it provides are

  • Making webdriver synchronous.
  • Running tests parellel.
  • Reporting capabilities.

it provides Launcher API to trigger tests. it takes a configuration object with test-files, mocha-options, browser capabilities and others to run. As of now, this library only provides programmable launcher.

Simple code snippet to start tests:

  # file: test/runner.js
  const Launcher = require('webdriver-runner').Launcher
  const request = {
    specs: [
      tests: 'test/*.test.js', 
      browsers: [..]
 new Launcher(request).run()


node test/runner.js will start the tests.

Build webdriver instance

To keep this library simple, it delegates the task of building webdriver instance to test scripts, however it provides a thin wrapper to make the driver instance synchronous. So test script will have

  # file: home-page.test.js 
  import * as synchronize from 'webdriver-runner/synchronize'
  import test from 'webdriver-runner/testing'
  const driver 
  test.before(() => {
    const builder = new Builder()
        // synchronize all driver methods
    driver = synchronize.driver(builder.build())

Few important things here are:

  • webdriver-runner/synchronize has driver method which makes the origin webdriver instance as synchronous.
  • webdriver-test/testing has extended test hooks to provide the context on which synchronous driver calls will execute.
  • Calling synchronous methods outside test-hooks will throw Errors.

Get browser config

webdriver-runner's Launcher will pass the browser-config to test scripts through global scope. it is test scripts responsibility to create an instance for given requirement.

For example: global.browserConfig will hold the browser object set to Launcher request.

const browser = global.browserConfig
const builder = new Builder() 
if (browser.name === 'chrome') { 
} else {
const driverPromise = builder.build()

Test configuration API

Lets look at the fields of test request

const request = {
  // mocha options; see below links for all options
  mochaOptions: {    
    retries: 1,
    requires: ['babel-core/register'], 
    timeout: 900000
  // pass extra flags to test scripts.
  execArgv: [
  reporters: [SpecSummary],
  reporterOptions: {},
  specs: [{
    tests: ['tests/*.test.js'],
    // each of this browser instance will be available to test-suite at runtime in global scope (`global.browserConfig`)
    // so, suite can build a new brower instance
    browsers: [{
      name: 'chrome',
      shard: 3

Reference links:


Basic example of webdriver-runner is maintained in lib/examples directory. To run examples

$cd examples
npm install && npm test


please log your issues on github