
webext-buildtools builder for deploying to Chrome Webstore. Based on chrome-webstore-upload

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import webextBuildtoolsChromeWebstoreBuilder from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/webext-buildtools-chrome-webstore-builder';


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webext-buildtools builder which allows you to upload, publish and download crx file from Chrome Web Store.

If you need a complete solution for Web Extension build/deploy, go to webext-buildtools-integrated-builder repo.

To read what are webext-buildtools and builders go to webext-buildtools-builder-types repo.


npm install webext-buildtools-chrome-webstore-builder


Builder is based on typed-chrome-webstore-api package and allows you to upload and publish your Web Extension to Chrome Web Store and then download published crx file.

Builder doesn't allow publish a new extension, only update the existing one (specified by extensionId in options) with new version.

Usage example

const ChromeWebstoreBuilder = require('webext-buildtools-chrome-webstore-builder').default;
const fs = require('fs-extra');

const options = { ... }; // see description below
const logMethod = console.log;
const builder = new ChromeWebstoreBuilder(options, logMethod);

// You can omit this, manifest will be extracted from zip file
builder.setInputManifest(await fs.readJson('./ext_dir/package.json'));
builder.setInputZipBuffer(await fs.read('./packed.zip'));


const buildResult = await builder.build();


Options object described in declarations/options.d.ts

See how to get logMethod for pretty output.


To setup API access you need to specify clientId, clientSecret and refreshToken in options.apiAccess. To find out how to obtain them you can read:

Alternatively, you can directly set valid options.accessToken (be sure it's not expired).


  1. setInputManifest(...). Optional. Object with parsed extension's package.json. Will be extracted from zip if not specified.
  2. setInputZipBuffer(...). Buffer with zipped extension dir. Required to upload extension.

You can use webext-buildtools-dir-reader-mw to generate needed inputs from extension directory.


uploaded ext

Require to upload extension to Chrome Web Store (first step before publish)

Required options: extensionId, apiAccess or accessToken
Require methods: requireUploadedExt()
const uploadInfo = buildResult.getAssets().uploadedExt.getValue() Contains information about extension before and after upload upload info definition

published ext

Require to publish extension to Chrome Web Store (second step). Normally is used with requireUploadedExt(), but can be used to publish already uploaded version

Required options: extensionId, apiAccess or accessToken
Require methods: requirePublishedExt()
const publishInfo = buildResult.getAssets().publishedExt.getValue() publish info definition

published crx file

Download published crx file from Chrome Web Store (undocumented feature). Normally is used together with requireUploadedExt() and requirePublishedExt(), but can be used separately to download crx file for extensionId specified in options.

Required options: downloadCrx.outCrxFilePath (for not temporary file), extensionId
Require methods: requirePublishedCrxFile(), requirePublishedCrxBuffer()
const crxFilePath = buildResult.getAssets().publishedCrxFile.getValue()
const crxBuffer = buildResult.getAssets().publishedCrxBuffer.getValue()


builder.build() call can be rejected with general Error or the following specific errors if extension upload was required:

  • InvalidManifestVersionError if manifest file has invalid extension version.
  • NewerVersionAlreadyUploadedError if currently uploaded version is greater than the version in the extension manifest.
  • SameVersionAlreadyUploadedError if currently uploaded version equals to the version in the extension manifest.
  • UploadInReviewError if upload failed due to item currently in the review state.