
Super-lightweight Promised wrapper around `chrome.*` API to be used in modules. Prefer `webextension-polyfill` if you’re using it directly in an extension.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import webextPolyfillKinda from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/webext-polyfill-kinda';



Super-lightweight Promised wrapper around chrome.* APIs to be used in modules.

✅ Use this module when publishing your own micro-modules. This avoids having to import webextension-polyfill as a sub-dependency.

❌ Do not use this module if you need promised APIs directly in your extension. webextension-polyfill is much safer.

⚠️ This package isn't completely safe to use because it blindly wraps the chrome.* APIs whether it supports them or not.

Please test your module in every browser before assuming it works, or prefer webextension-polyfill.


npm install webext-polyfill-kinda


import chromeP from 'webext-polyfill-kinda';

(async () => {
    // Cases where the API works
    const currentTab = await chromeP.tabs.getCurrent();
    const options = await chromeP.storage.local.get('options');

    // Do not use `chromeP` when dealing with listeners, it doesn't make sense. Use the native `chrome.*` API

TypeScript Usage

chromeP will reuse the global browser type if it exists. The suggested solution is to also install this, the types will be automatically available.

npm install @types/firefox-webext-browser --save-dev



MIT © Federico Brigante