
Utility functions for Web Extensions, manifest v2 and v3

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import webextTools from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/webext-tools';


webext-tools npm version

Utility functions for Web Extensions

  • Browsers: Chrome, Firefox, and Safari
  • Manifest: v2 and v3
  • Permissions: In manifest v3, you'll need the scripting permission
  • Context: They can be called from any context that has access to the chrome.tabs or chrome.scripting APIs


You can download the standalone bundle and include it in your manifest.json. Or use npm:

npm install webext-tools
// This module is only offered as a ES Module
import {getTabUrl, canAccessTab} from 'webext-tools';



getTabUrl({tabId, frameId})

A no-error function to retrieve a tab or frame’s URL with a plain activeTab permission (or regular host/tabs permissions).

const tabId = 42;
const url = await getTabUrl(tabId);
if (url) {
    console.log('The url is', url);
} else {
    console.warn('We have no access to the tab');
const url = await getTabUrl({
    tabId: 42,
    frameId: 56,
if (url) {
    console.log('The url is', url);
} else {
    console.warn('We have no access to the frame');


canAccessTab({tabId, frameId})

Checks whether the extension has access to a specific tab or frame (i.e. content scripts are allowed to run), either via activeTab permission or regular host permissions.

const tabId = 42;
const access = await canAccessTab(tabId);
if (access) {
    console.log('We can access this tab');
    chrome.tabs.executeScript(tabId, {file: 'my-script.js'});
} else {
    console.warn('We have no access to the tab');
const access = await canAccessTab({
    tabId: 42,
    frameId: 56,
if (access) {
    console.log('We can access this frame');
    chrome.tabs.executeScript(42, {file: 'my-script.js', frameId: 56});
} else {
    console.warn('We have no access to the frame');



MIT © Federico Brigante