
Pretty reporting for webpack-sane-compiler

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import webpackSaneCompilerReporter from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/webpack-sane-compiler-reporter';



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Beautiful reporting for webpack-sane-compiler compilation events.

Example output


$ npm install webpack-sane-compiler-reporter --save-dev


const startReporting = require('webpack-sane-compiler-reporter');

const { stop, options } = startReporting(compiler, {/* options */});

// Now, just call compiler.run() or compiler.watch() to start a compilation and start outputting reports
// Calling stop() will stop listening to the compiler events
// Furthermore, you have access to the options that were computed by the merge of provided options with the defaults

Available options

Name Description Type Default
stats Display webpack stats after each compilation boolean/string (true, false or 'once') true
write Function responsible for printing/outputting the generated report messages function Prints to stderr
printStart Function responsible for generating a message when a compilation starts function Example output
printSuccess Function responsible for generating a message when a compilation succeeds function Example output
printFailure Function responsible for generating a message when a compilation fails function Example output
printInvalidate Function responsible for generating a message when invalidate() is called when watching function Example output
printStats Function responsible for generating a message representing a WebpackStats instance function Example output
printError Function responsible for generating a message of a Error instance function Example output

Other exports


For convenience this package also exports the renderers used internally:

const reporter = require('webpack-sane-compiler-reporter');

reporter(compiler, {
    printError: (err) => `${reporter.renderers.renderError(err)}\n`,


You can also access the symbols that precede some messages.

const reporter = require('webpack-sane-compiler-reporter');

reporter(compiler, {
    printStart: () => `${reporter.symbols.start} A iniciar a compilação...\n`,


$ npm test
$ npm test -- --watch during development


MIT License