
It is convenient to test wechaty with restful interface

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import wechatyPuppetMockKoa from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/wechaty-puppet-mock-koa';



packaging with koa based on wechaty-puppet-mock, It is convenient to test wechaty with restful interface.


$ npm install wechaty-puppet-mock-koa --save-dev


PuppetKoa Class

  • constructor([options]) - new class PuppetKoa instance

    • options.port - http listen port, default to 3000.
    • options.prefix - http request prefix, default to /mock.
    • options.loginData - information used to simulate login.
      • options.loginData.id - login bot id, default to bot_id.
      • options.loginData.status - login bot status, default to 0.
      • options.loginData.qrcode - login bot qrcode, default to https://not-exist.com.
    • options.initFile - initial imported login, contact, room data, is a JSON file path, default to null.

    NOTE:loginData not required if initFile exists



const {PuppetPadplus} = require('wechaty-puppet-padplus');

let puppet = null;

if (process.env.NODE_ENV != 'dev') {
  // use ipad puppet
  puppet = new PuppetPadplus({token: 'xxx'});
} else {
  // use mock puppet
  const {PuppetKoa} = require('wechaty-puppet-mock-koa');
  puppet = new PuppetKoa({port:3001,prefix:'/api',initFile:'./initFile.json'});

// create bot
const bot = new Wechaty({name: config.botName, puppet});


// receive message
bot.on('message', async (msg) => {



  • login configuration is required.
  • the configuration of login and contact is consistent with the parameters of create contact ([PUT] /mock/contact) interface
  • people in roomMemberList are better existing in the contactList
  • the configuration of room is consistent with the parameters of create room ([PUT] /mock/room) interface
// /doc/mock.json
  "login": {
    "id": "bot_id",
    "name": "bot_name",
    "avatar": "https://avatars0.githubusercontent.com/u/21285357?s=200&v=4",
    "type": 1,
    "gender": 1,
    "city": "shanghai",
    "alias": "bot_alias",
    "star": false,
    "weixin": "weixin",
    "friend": true,
    "address": "shanghai",
    "province": "shanghai"
  "contactList": [
      "id": "friend_1",
      "name": "friend_1_name",
      "avatar": "https://avatars0.githubusercontent.com/u/21285357?s=200&v=4",
      "type": 1,
      "gender": 1,
      "city": "shanghai",
      "alias": "friend_1_alias",
      "star": false,
      "weixin": "weixin",
      "friend": true,
      "address": "shanghai",
      "province": "shanghai"
  "roomMemberList": [
      "id": "friend_1",
      "roomAlias": "friend_1_alias",
      "inviterId": "bot_id"
  "roomList": [
      "id": "room_1",
      "topic": "room_topic",
      "avatar": "https://avatars0.githubusercontent.com/u/21285357?s=200&v=4",
      "ownerId": "bot_id",
      "adminIdList": [
      "memberIdList": [

API sample

  • send message

    // request
    curl -X POST \
      http://localhost:3000/mock/message/single \
      -H 'Cache-Control: no-cache' \
      -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
      -H 'Postman-Token: f7f34936-8a75-41f3-b008-7c48992bceca' \
      -d '{
      "type": 7,
      "text": "hello",
      "toId": "bot_id",
      "fromId": "friend_1",
      "filename": "/path/test.json"
    // response
    {"state":200,"message":"Request success!"}
    // console
    friend_1_name hello

Reference resources

  • API Specification:/doc/api_specification.md
  • Postman Script: /doc/wechaty-puppet-mock-koa.postman_collection.json


  • Run with wechaty 0.46.x+