
Library to get first day of week.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import weekstart from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/weekstart';



NPM version

Library to get first day of week.

getWeekStartByRegion('MAC');   // 0

getWeekStartByLocale('ary');   // 6

The library is based on the following data from Unicode (especially from Common Locale Data Repository) and from ISO:

There are 2 variants of the library having identical API:

  • main - uses base mapping of language code to country code from langRegionMap.
  • full - uses full mapping of language code to country code from fullLangRegionMap.

langRegionMap contains only main language codes. It is data subset from fullLangRegionMap.

Table of contents



npm install weekstart


bower install weekstart

AMD/UMD, <script>

Use dist/main.js or dist/min/main.js (minified version). Use dist/full.js or dist/min/full.js (minified version) when you need full locale data.


ECMAScript 6

import {getWeekStartByLocale, getWeekStartByRegion} from 'weekstart';

If you need full data:

import {getWeekStartByLocale, getWeekStartByRegion} from 'weekstart/full';


const getWeekStartByLocale = require('weekstart').getWeekStartByLocale;
const getWeekStartByRegion = require('weekstart').getWeekStartByRegion;

If you need full data:

const getWeekStartByLocale = require('weekstart/full').getWeekStartByLocale;
const getWeekStartByRegion = require('weekstart/full').getWeekStartByRegion;


define(['path/to/dist/main.js'], function(weekstart) {
    const getWeekStartByLocale = weekstart.getWeekStartByLocale;
    const getWeekStartByRegion = weekstart.getWeekStartByRegion;

If you need full data:

define(['path/to/dist/full.js'], function(weekstart) {
    const getWeekStartByLocale = weekstart.getWeekStartByLocale;
    const getWeekStartByRegion = weekstart.getWeekStartByRegion;

Bower, <script>

<!-- Use bower_components/weekstart/dist/main.js and bower_components/weekstart/dist/full.js if the library was installed by Bower -->
<script type="text/javascript" src="path/to/dist/main.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
    // weekstart is available via weekstart field of window object
    const getWeekStartByLocale = weekstart.getWeekStartByLocale;
    const getWeekStartByRegion = weekstart.getWeekStartByRegion;

If you need full data use path/to/dist/full.js instead of path/to/dist/main.js.


getWeekStartByRegion('dj');   // 6
getWeekStartByRegion('No');   // 1
getWeekStartByRegion('CAN');   // 0
getWeekStartByRegion(50);   // 5

getWeekStartByLocale('Jam');   // 0
getWeekStartByLocale('Fa');   // 6
getWeekStartByLocale('vi');   // 1
getWeekStartByLocale('es_MX');   // 0
getWeekStartByLocale('az-Arab-IRN');   // 6

In the following examples results are given for the function from full.js. The same calls for the function from main.js will return 1.

getWeekStartByLocale('CCP');   // 5
getWeekStartByLocale('UZ-arab');   // 6


getWeekStartByLocale(locale): number

Return first day of week for locale identifier: 0 - Sunday, 1 - Monday, 2 - Tuesday, 3 - Wednesday, 4 - Thursday, 5 - Friday, 6 - Saturday.

getWeekStartByRegion(regionCode): number

Return first day of week for country/region code: 0 - Sunday, 1 - Monday, 2 - Tuesday, 3 - Wednesday, 4 - Thursday, 5 - Friday, 6 - Saturday.

See docs for details.


In lieu of a formal styleguide, take care to maintain the existing coding style. Add unit tests for any new or changed functionality. Lint and test your code.


Licensed under the MIT license.