
A lightweight and easy to use economy framework for whatsapp bots, uses MongoDB. Fork from MrAugu/discord-xp.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import whatsappXp from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/whatsapp-xp';


Whatsapp-XP - Forked from MrAugu/discord-xp.

A lightweight and easy to use xp framework for whatsapp bots, uses MongoDB.


  • 20 February 2021 (v1.0.4) - Remove unnecessary code for Leaderboard.
  • 16 February 2021 (v1.0.3) - Bump Dependencies, rename package, etc...
  • 16 February 2021 (v1.0.0) - Remove irrelevant code & updated examples for Whatsapp Bots using @open-wa/wa-automate.

Bugs, Glitches and Issues

If you encounter any of those fell free to open an issue in our github repository.


You can download it from npm:

npm i whatsapp-xp

Setting Up

First things first, we include the module into the project.

const Levels = require("whatsapp-xp");

After that, you need to provide a valid mongo database url, and set it. You can do so by:

Levels.setURL("mongodb://..."); // You only need to do this ONCE per process.

Examples - Edited for Whatsapp Bots

Examples assume that you have setted up the module as presented in 'Setting Up' section. Following examples assume that your client is called client.

Following example contains isolated code which you need to integrate in your own command handler.

Following example assumes that you are able to write asynchronous code (use await).

  • Allocating Random XP For Each Message Sent
client.on("message", async (message) => {
  if (!message.chat.id) return;
  const randomAmountOfXp = Math.floor(Math.random() * 29) + 1; // Min 1, Max 30
  const hasLeveledUp = await Levels.appendXp(message.sender.id, message.chat.id, randomAmountOfXp);
  if (hasLeveledUp) {
    const user = await Levels.fetch(message.sender.id, message.chat.id);
    client.sendTextWithMentions(message.from, `@${message.author}, congratulations! You have leveled up to *${user.level}*. `);
  • Rank Command
const user = await Levels.fetch(message.sender.id, message.chat.id); // Selects the target from the database.

if (!user) return message.channel.send("Seems like this user has not earned any xp so far."); // If there isnt such user in the database, we send a message in general.

client.sendTextWithMentions(message.from, `> *@${message.author}* is currently level ${user.level}.`); // We show the level.
  • Leaderboard Command
const rawLeaderboard = await Levels.fetchLeaderboard(message.chat.id, 10); // We grab top 10 users with most xp in the current server.

if (rawLeaderboard.length < 1) return client.reply(message.from, "Nobody's in leaderboard yet.", message.id);

const leaderboard = await Levels.computeLeaderboard(client, rawLeaderboard); // We process the leaderboard.

const lb = leaderboard.map(e => `${e.position}. @${e.userID.replace('@c.us', '')}\nLevel: ${e.level}\nXP: ${e.xp.toLocaleString()}`); // We map the outputs.

client.sendTextWithMentions(message.from, `*Leaderboard*:\n\n${lb.join("\n\n")}`);



Creates an entry in database for that user if it doesnt exist.

Levels.createUser(<UserID - String>, <GuildID - String>);
  • Output:


If the entry exists, it deletes it from database.

Levels.deleteUser(<UserID - String>, <GuildID - String>);
  • Output:


It adds a specified amount of xp to the current amount of xp for that user, in that guild. It re-calculates the level. It creates a new user with that amount of xp, if there is no entry for that user.

Levels.appendXp(<UserID - String>, <GuildID - String>, <Amount - Integer>);
  • Output:


It adds a specified amount of levels to current amount, re-calculates and sets the xp reqired to reach the new amount of levels.

Levels.appendLevel(<UserID - String>, <GuildID - String>, <Amount - Integer>);
  • Output:


It sets the xp to a specified amount and re-calculates the level.

Levels.setXp(<UserID - String>, <GuildID - String>, <Amount - Integer>);
  • Output:


Calculates the xp required to reach a specified level and updates it.

Levels.setLevel(<UserID - String>, <GuildID - String>, <Amount - Integer>);
  • Output:

fetch (Updated recently!)

Retrives selected entry from the database, if it exists.

Levels.fetch(<UserID - String>, <GuildID - String>, <FetchPosition - Boolean>);
  • Output:


It removes a specified amount of xp to the current amount of xp for that user, in that guild. It re-calculates the level.

Levels.appendXp(<UserID - String>, <GuildID - String>, <Amount - Integer>);
  • Output:


It removes a specified amount of levels to current amount, re-calculates and sets the xp reqired to reach the new amount of levels.

Levels.appendLevel(<UserID - String>, <GuildID - String>, <Amount - Number>);
  • Output:


It gets a specified amount of entries from the database, ordered from higgest to lowest within the specified limit of entries.

Levels.fetchLeaderboard(<GuildID - String>, <Limit - Integer>);
  • Output:
Promise<Array [Objects]>

computeLeaderboard (Updated recently!)

It returns a new array of object that include level, xp, guild id, user id, leaderboard position, username and discriminator.

Levels.fetch(<Client - Discord.js Client>, <Leaderboard - fetchLeaderboard output>);
  • Output:
Promise<Array [Objects]>


It returns a number that indicates amount of xp required to reach a level based on the input.

Levels.xpFor(<TargetLevel - Integer>);
  • Output: