
Micro (511b), powerful and customizable logger for the browser and node that provides log level mapping to the console.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import whisp from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/whisp';



Inspired by loglevel, pretty-cli and webpack-log

Build Status Code Coverage version MIT License

Micro, powerful and customizable logger for the browser and node that provides log level mapping to the console.

  • Lightweight. 511b minified and compressed with Brotli!
  • No functions wrapping console. All stack traces are pure!
  • No unnecessary bloat or fancy code. Only the core functionality!
  • Use workers to asynchronously process logs as they come through.
  • Import it or use it directly in the browser. All file formats are available.
  • Use templates to make your output look how you want it to.
  • SSR friendly.
  • Types included.

Table of Contents


Supports pretty much all browsers, IE9+ and Node 0.12+.

Important: if you want to use Workers in IE9+ then you will require a Promise polyfill.

If you'd like to support older versions of IE (<= 8) or something else ancient, you'll need to consider polyfills for Promise, Array.prototype.indexOf and Array.prototype.splice.


npm install whisp --save-dev or yarn add whisp -D

You can also load it via the unpkg CDN

https://unpkg.com/whisp will download the latest UMD bundle.

All formats (UMD, CJS and ESM) are available in the dist folder inside the package.


import Whisp from 'whisp'

// name, level (optional - defaults to "debug")
const whisp = new Whisp('my-app', 'debug')

// Log away (info, debug, trace, warn, error or trace)
// `log` is available as an alias to debug

// Get current level

// Set level
// Whisp will not produce output for any log level beneath the specified level
// The order is: trace, debug (default), info, warn, error, silent
// For example, if the level was set to `warn` then only calls to `warn` and `error` will be displayed in the terminal

// Add workers to process logs
  .worker('file-worker', (level) => {
    // Write logs to file
  .worker('http-worker', (level) => {
    // Write logs to server
  .worker('slack-worker', (level) => {
    // Send notification to Slack if level meets criteria

// Run a callback when all workers promises have resolved
whisp.onWorkEnd = (results) => {
  // Do something with the results

// Run a callback when any of the workers promises have rejected
whisp.onWorkError = (reason) => {
  // Do something with the reason

// Add templates to customize output
  .template('default', (level) => ``)
  .template('title', (level) => ``)
  .template('body', (level) => ``)

// Use your templates
// Note: `default` templates are special in that they are called automatically if set.
  .debug('message') // Default template is used here if set.
  .debug('template-title', 'message')
  .debug('template-body', 'message')

// Chain calls


Callback: (level, ...args) => Promise

Workers are simple asynchronous callbacks that return a Promise. You can use them to do anything, for example writing to a file or sending logs to a server.

import Whisp from 'whisp'

const whisp = new Whisp('my-app')

// Set
// Workers receive all the arguments you passed into the log call
// For example if you call `whisp.debug('message1', 'message2')` then the worker will receive ('debug', 'message1', 'message2')
whisp.worker('name', (level, ...args) => {
  // Do stuff here

// Get

// Run this callback each time all workers are complete
// The `results` argument passed in is an array of all the results from each of the workers resolved promises
whisp.onWorkEnd = (results) => {
  // Do stuff here

// Run this callback if any of the workers promises reject
whisp.onWorkError = (reason) => {
  // Do stuff here


Callback: (level, ...args) => string

Templates are simple callbacks that modify the style of the logs and return a string. You can also set a default template to be called automatically when no other template is used.

Important: this doesn't affect the workers input, it's only for styling your output.

import Whisp from 'Whisp'

const whisp = new Whisp('my-app')

// Set
whisp.template('name', (level, message1, message2) => {
  // Style and return string

// Get

// Use
whisp.debug('template-name', 'message1', 'message2')

// Set default
whisp.template('default', (level, message1, message2) => {
  // Style and return string

// Use default
whisp.debug('message1', 'message2')

Example 1

See source code.

whisp template 1 preview

Example 2

See source code.

whisp template 2 preview

Example 3

See source code.

whisp template 3 preview