
A simple way to access MediaWiki API via JavaScript with simple wikitext parser.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import wikiapi from '';


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JavaScript MediaWiki API

A simple way to access MediaWiki API via JavaScript with wikitext parser. This is basically a modern syntax version of CeJS MediaWiki module. For example, using async functions.


  • Read / edit pages.
  • Get list of categorymembers, pages transclude specified template, and more...
  • Auto-limited editing rate.
  • Parse wikitext / pages. You may modify parts of the wikitext, then regenerate the page just using .toString(). See wikitext parser examples.


This is a nodejs module. Please install node.js first.

npm install wikiapi


Here lists some examples of this module.

As node.js module

// Load Wikiapi module
const Wikiapi = require('wikiapi');

(async () => {

    // LOGIN IN: In any wiki, any language
    const wiki = new Wikiapi('zh');		// or new Wikiapi('')
    await wiki.login('user', 'password');		// get your own account and password on your target wiki.

    /* ***************************************************** */
    /* READ ONLY ******************************************* */
    // load page
    let page_data = await'Universe', {});
    console.log('page_data: ', page_data);
    console.log('page_data.text: ', page_data.wikitext);

    // Get multi revisions (ex: 2)
    let page_data = await'Universe', { revisions: 2 });
    console.log('page_data: ', page_data);
    console.log('page_data.text: ', page_data.wikitext);

    /* ***************************************************** */
    /* EDITING ********************************************* */
    /* Note: .page() then .edit() ************************** */
    // Edit page: append content, as bot.
    let page_data = await'Universe'),
        newContent = page_data.wikitext + '\nTest edit using wikiapi.';
    await enwiki.edit(
        function (page_data) { return newContent; },		// new content
        { bot: 1, summary: 'Test edit.' }			// options

    // Edit page: replace content, with more options.
    let page_data = await'Universe'),
        newContent = page_data.wikitext.replace(/Test edit using wikiapi/g, 'Test: replace content was successful!');
    await enwiki.edit(
        function (page_data) { return newContent; },  // new content
        { bot: 1, minor: 1, nocreate: 1, summary: 'Test: replace content.' } // more options

    // Edit page: wipe clean, replace by string
    let page_data = await'Universe');
    await wiki.edit(
        { bot: 1, minor: 0, nocreate: 1, summary: 'Test: wipe clean, please delete.' }

    /* edit_page(): a more direct method ******************* */
    // Edit page: 
    await wiki.edit_page('Wikipedia:Sandbox', function (page_data) {
        return page_data.wikitext + '\nTest edit using {{GitHub|kanasimi/wikiapi}}.';
    }, { bot: 1, nocreate: 1, minor: 1, summary: 'Test: edit page via .edit_page().' });

    /* ***************************************************** */
    /* PROVIDE MANY **************************************** */
    // List of hand-picked target pages
    let list = ['Wikipedia:Sandbox', 'Wikipedia:Sandbox2', 'Wikipedia:Sandbox/wikiapi'];
    // List pages in [[Category:Chemical_elements]]
    let listMembers = await wiki.categorymembers('Chemical elements');  // array of titles
    // List intra-wiki links in [[ABC]]
    let listLinks = await wiki.redirects_here('ABC');  // array of titles
    // List of transcluded pages {{w:en:Periodic table}}
    let listTranscluded = await wiki.embeddedin('Template:Periodic table');
    // List of searched pages with expression in its title name
    let listSearch = await' dragon');  // array of titles

    /* ***************************************************** */
    /* MULTI-read/edit ************************************* */
    // Multi edit, members of category
    await wiki.for_each_page(
        page_data => { return `{{stub}}\n` + page_data.wikitext; },
        { summary: 'Test: multi-edits', minor: 1 }

    // Multi read, following intra-wiki links
    await wiki.for_each_page(
        listLinks,			// array of targets
        page_data => {
            console.log(page_data.title);		// print page title
            return Wikiapi.skip_edit;		// skip edit, just read, return nothing to edit with.
        }, // no edit therefore no options

    /* ***************************************************** */
    /* MOVE PAGE (RENAME) ********************************** */
    // Move page once.
    result = await wiki.move_page('Wikipedia:Sanbox/Wikiapi', 'Wikipedia:Sanbox/NewWikiapi',
        { reason: 'Test: move page (1).', noredirect: true, movetalk: true }
    // Reverse move
    result = await wiki.move_page('Wikipedia:Sanbox/NewWikiapi', 'Wikipedia:Sanbox/Wikiapi',
        { reason: 'Test: move page (2).', noredirect: true, movetalk: true }

    /* ***************************************************** */
    /* PARSE *********************************************** */
    // Read Infobox templates, convert to JSON.
    const page_data = await'JavaScript');
    // `page_data.parse(options)` will startup the parser process, create page_data.parsed. After .parse(), we can use parsed.each().
    const parsed = page_data.parse();
    let infobox;
    parsed.each('template', template_token => {
        if ('Infobox')) {
            infobox = template_token.parameters;
            return parsed.each.exit;
    for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(infobox))
        infobox[key] = value.toString();
    // print json of the infobox

    // Edit page and parse
    const parsed = await'Wikipedia:Sandbox').parse();
    parsed.each('template', template_token => {/* modify token */ });
    await wiki.edit(parsed.toString(), { bot: 1, minor: 1, nocreate: 1 });

    let page_data = await'Universe');
    // See all type in wiki_toString @
    // List all template name.
        token => console.log(;

    /* ***************************************************** */
    /* MONITORING ****************************************** */
    // Listen to new edits, check every 2 minutes
    wiki.listen(function for_each_row() {
        // ...
    }, {
        // 檢查的延遲時間。
        delay: '2m',
        filter: function filter_row(row) {
            // row is the same format as page_data
        // also get diff
        with_diff: { LCS: true, line: true },
        // only for articles (0:main namespace) and talk pages
        namespace: '0|talk',

    /* ***************************************************** */
    /* FILES *********************************************** */
    // Set upload parameters, maily for licensing reasons.
    // Note: parameter `text`, filled with the right wikicode `{{description|}}`, can replace most parameters.
    let options = {
        description: 'Photo of Osaka',
        date: new Date() || '2021-01-01',
        source_url: '',
        author: '[[User:user]]',
        permission: '{{cc-by-sa-2.5}}',
        other_versions: '',
        other_fields: '',
        license: ['{{cc-by-sa-2.5}}'],
        categories: ['[[Category:test images]]'],
        bot: 1,
        tags: "tag1|tag2",

    // Upload file from URL
    let result = await wiki.upload({
        file_path: '/local/file/path',
        filename: 'New_Osaka_Photograph.jpg',  // default : keep filename
        comment: '',
        ignorewarnings: 1,  // overwrite

    // Upload file from URL
    result = await wiki.upload({
        media_url: 'https://media.url/Thunder-Dragon.ogg',
        text: "Her eis wikicode to replave the page's content instead of various other parameters.",
        comment: 'Thunder Dragon audio from vacation in Philipines. Page uses custom template.',
        ignorewarnings: 1,  // overwrite

    /* ***************************************************** */
    /* WIKIDATA, WIKIBASES ********************************* */
    // Read Qid Q1 (Universe), print Chinese label
    const wiki = new Wikiapi('')
    let page_data = await'Q1');
    console.log(page_data.labels.zh)		// '宇宙'

    // Read, access by title (English), access property P1419
    // Get P1419 of wikidata entity: 'Universe'
    let data = await'Universe', 'P1419');
    // assert: {Array}data = [ 'shape of the universe', '...', ... ]
    console.assert(data.includes('shape of the universe'));

    // update wikidata
    // Get
    let entity = await'Q7');
    // search [ language, label ]
    //entity = await['en', 'Earth']);

    // Update claim
    await entity.modify({ claims: [{ P17: 'Q213280' }] });
    // Update claim: set country (P17) to 'Test Country 1' (Q213280) ([language, label] as entity)
    await entity.modify({ claims: [{ language: 'en', country: [, 'Test Country 1'] }] });
    // Remove country (P17) : 'Test Country 1' (Q213280)
    await entity.modify({ claims: [{ language: 'en', country: [, 'Test Country 1'], remove: true }] });

    // Update label
    await entity.modify({ labels: [{ language: 'zh-tw', value: '地球' }] });


More examples: Please see test.js.

OS support

Platform support
Windows ✔️
macOS ✔️
UNIX, Linux ✔️

See also

For old style JavaScript, or general environment usage, please see wikibot.


Contact us at GitHub.
