
Route, setup, and build web pages

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import windowPage from '';



Runs promise-based lifecycle page chains.

and integrates with:

  • custom elements
  • link imports
  • visibility API, when prerendering is done on server
  • history API


  • init, called before anything but after original document is ready
  • ready, when imported document or original document is ready
  • build, fetch data and fill document if doc is not built or pathname has changed
  • patch, fetch additional data and update document if doc is not patched and query has changed
  • setup, when not prerendering, called once per pathname change (or first view)
  • paint, when not prerendering, called after pathname or query changes (or first view)
  • hash, the location hash has changed, state.hash is set.
  • close, use it to clean what has been done in setup of referrer
  • error, a fatal error happened during page run, state.error is set.

Between init and ready, when the pathname changes, state.router can import a new document, see below.

A run is triggered by navigation (document.location changed in any way, or page history methods called, see below).

If the state.error object is removed from state during the error chain, the navigation will continue as if the error did not happen.


State instances have a default router which assumes prerendered web pages:

  • it does not run on first page load
  • it does fetch a remote web page, to be imported as new document when pathname changes.

It can be overriden using Page.route(method).

A page defining a custom router should use the default router if it is prerendered (which happens if the script calling Page.route is not in the prerendered page).

Basic example:

Page.route(function(state) {
 return Page.get(state).then(function(str) {
  return Page.createDoc(str);


// get data and document from location
Page.route(function(state) {
 return fetch(page.pathname + '.json').then(function(res) {
  return res.json();
 }).then(function(data) {
  // not mandatory property name, but a good idea to avoid future collisions = data;
  return fetch(data.template).then(function(res) {
   return res.text();
 }).then(function(str) {
  return Page.parseDoc(str);

// merge data into DOM {

// fetch additional data depending on state.query values
Page.patch(function(state) {
 if ( != null) return fetch('/getdata?id=' +
 .then(function(res) {
  return res.json();
 }).then(function(data) {
  matchdom(template, data);

// initialize user interactions, called only once per instantiated document,
// after route/import/build.
Page.setup(function(state) {
 // global, static ui elements can be initialized here
 // if a build function adds more dropdowns, it is responsible for initializing
 // them altogether.
 $('#open').on('click', function() {
  // this might not be latest state, but it's fine since 12.1.0



For each chain, one can add or remove a listener function that receives the current state as argument.

  • Page[chainLabel](fn) runs fn right now if the chain is reached, or wait the chain to be run
  • Page['un'+chainLabel](fn) removes fn from a chain, mostly needed for custom elements.
  • Page.finish(fn?) If fn is given, calls state.queue.then(fn). Returns state.queue anyway.

The fn parameter can be a function or an object with a <chain>, or a chain<Chain> method - which is a handy way to keep the value of this.

Functions listening for a given stage are run serially.

If a stage chain is already resolved, new listeners are just added immediately to the promise chain.

To append a function at the end of the current chain, use:

  • state.finish(fn) fn can return a promise. To avoid deadlocks, fn must not return calls to state history methods.

To stop further chain processing, use:

  • state.stop()

Once stopped a chain cannot be restarted.

Chains are implemented through native DOM emitters and listeners, and the emitter is either:

  • document.currentScript when it exists and when the registered listener is a function. It has the advantage of recycling listeners when the corresponding node changes, for examples when loading a new document.
  • state.emitter, in all other cases, which is bound to a specific state. Note that state.emitter is kept when the referrer has same pathname, and discarded otherwise.


The state extends a Loc instance, in particular it has

  • pathname, query, hash (and hostname, port, protocol if different from document)
  • sameDomain, samePathname, sameQuery, sameHash, samePath methods
  • toString() to get a url

Important: do not mutate those properties. The state history methods accept partial objects.

  • the data must be JSON-serializable.

  • state.ui object that changes when pathname changes. setup-patch-hash state changes share the same state.ui.

  • state.referrer the previous parsable state. If Page is at first run, refers to the same location - without hash. Is not related to document.referrer.

  • state.follower the following state.

Page.State: the state's constructor.

Document import

When importing a document, two methods (that can return a promise) are called:

  • state.mergeHead(head, prev)
  • state.mergeBody(body, prev)

The default mergeHead method do DOM diffing to keep existing script and link nodes. The default mergeBody method just replaces document.body with the new body.

These methods can be overriden from Page.init or Page.route.

Integration with Custom Elements

An object having build, patch, setup, close methods can be plugged into Page using:

  • state.connect(node)
  • state.disconnect(node)

Both methods are also available directly as Page.connect, Page.disconnect.

Furthermore, if the object owns methods named handle${Type}, they will be used as type event listeners on that object, receiving arguments (e, state).

To use "capture" listeners, just name the methods capture<Type> (new in 7.1.0).

To use the same mecanism to manage event listener on another event emitter, pass that event emitter as second argument to state.connect(listener, emitter).

To simply handle or capture events on window, use handleAll${Type} or captureAll${Type}.

These event listeners are automatically added during setup, and removed during close (or disconnect).

connectedCallback() {
disconnectedCallback() {
  // will call close asap, unlike close chain
patch(state) {
  var index = state.query.index || 0;
  if (this.slider.index != index) {
setup(state) {
  this.slider = new Slider(this, {
    change: function(index) {
      // since 12.1.0 if this is an old state it's still okay
      state.push({query: {index: index}});
  state.finish(function() {
    // do something at the end of the setup chain
close() {
  if (this.slider) this.slider.destroy();
  delete this.slider;
handleClick(e, state) {
  if ( state.push(;
handleAllClick(e, state) {
  // deactivate something activated on click

Using the event listener on other objects (window, document...)

  • state.connect(listener, emitter)

This method accepts a second argument to configure event listeners, and benefit from automatic removal of event listeners on close.


setup(state) {
  state.connect(this, window);
handleScroll(e, state) {
  // got click

Loading of scripts and stylesheets

When importing a document, scripts (and link imports, though it's deprecated) are executed in order, and stylesheets are inserted all at once.

Preloading is done using XHR for same-origin scripts and stylesheets, otherwise no preloading is done (due to limitations of cross origin requests).


These methods will run chains on new state and return a promise:

  • state.push(location or url, opts)
  • state.replace(location or url, opts)


  • vary (boolean, or "build", "patch", "hash", default false) Overrides how pathname, query, hash are compared to previous state. true re-routes the page; and varying on a chain runs the next chains too. Example: reload after a form login.

  • data Assign this data to next

  • state.reload(opts) a shortcut for state.replace(state, opts), with the correct value for vary set depending on state chains being used or not. opts.vary can be set, in which case it is passed as is to replace. Example: does not call setup then close unless BUILD chain is not empty.

The chains are run depending on how the url changes:

  • pathname: runs route, then runs build chain on new state
  • query: runs patch chain on new state
  • hash: runs hash chain on new state

The close chain is run on current state, after the new state has finished (to allow proper management of page transitions).

Chains init and ready are always run.

Chain setup is only run if the document is visible (not prerendering, not hidden).

Internal errors are caught and replaced by calls to document.location's assign or replace methods accordingly.

The error chain can be used to remove state.error and continue on with normal behavior.

A convenient method only that only replaces current window.history entry:

  • useful to save current


  • Page.get(url, statusRejects) statusRejects defaults to 400. Fetch the url and return a string as promised.

  • Page.createDoc(str) returns an HTML document from a string.

  • Page.parse or new Loc parses a url into pathname, query object, hash; and protocol, hostname, port if not the same domain as the document.

  • Page.format or Loc#toString format a location to a string with only what was defined, converts obj.path to pathname, query then stringify query obj if any.

  • Loc#sameDomain(b) compare domains (protocol + hostname + port) of two url or objects.

  • Loc#samePathname(b) compare domains and pathname of two url or objects.

  • Loc#sameQuery(b) compare query strings of two url or objects.

  • Loc#samePath(b) compare domain, pathname, querystring (without hash) of two url or objects.


By default window.Page also exports those classes:

  • State
  • Wait
  • Loc

BrowserStack and Browser support

This project runs its tests on multiple desktop and mobile browsers using travis BrowserStack addon, sponsored by BrowserStack.

Browser Stack Logo

Tested on:

  • latest versions of Chrome, Firefox, Safari
  • iPhone >= 5
  • IE >= 10 (with URL and Promise polyfills)
  • Edge >= 13
  • android browser (on Samsung Galaxy S5)

It might work on IE9, but tests rely on a feature not available there (getting a DOM document from XHR request).

Build Status BrowserStack Status


Manual installation is simple:

npm install window-page
ln -s node_modules/window-page/window-page.js public/js/

then add a script tag in a web page, before the application scripts that use the chain methods.

window-page is also a commonjs module, so it can be used with require.

Debug log

Either set window.debug to a custom log function, add set local storage: window.localStorage.setItem('debug', 'window-page').


MIT, see LICENSE file.