
Install and run a windows service for verdaccio, based on node-windows

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import windowsServiceForVerdaccio from '';



Windows service for verdaccio, based on node-windows

npm version License: MIT jsdoc Built with Grunt Build Status dependencies

This package will help you in setting up a directory on your windows filesystem, install verdaccio and setup and run it as a windows service.

This is the first release which provides a very simple windows setup.exe


getting started

This guide assumes, you are running a windows operating system.
Farther, you should be familiar with the use of npm and grunt.

preparing the filesystem structure

Open a windows cmd or powershell by running it as administrator.

  1. cd %ProgramFiles(x86)%
  2. mkdir verdaccio
  3. cd verdaccio
  4. download a zipped version of nodejs and unzip it in your new directory.
  5. download env.bat and copy it in your directory.
  6. Edit env.bat and setup a functional environment:
    • SET NodeVersion=xxxxxx (replace 'xxxxxx' by the version matching your download. E.g.: '14.15.3')
    • CALL SET Path=%SYS32PATH%;%CD%\node-v%NodeVersion%-win-x64;%CD%\node_modules\.bin
  7. npm init

Note: Services on windows are usually run, using the builtin System account. This is why running files as service, from directories that do not reside within %ProgramFiles(x86)% or %ProgramFiles% is a threat to your local systems security and is not recommended.

installing the package

Assuming you ran cmd or powershell as administrator and you are located in the newly created directory, type:
C:\Program Files (x86)\verdaccio> npm install windows-service-for-verdaccio

After a successful installation, please run the following command:
C:\Program Files (x86)\verdaccio> verdaccio-winsvc init

further usage

To find out any further commands, type:
C:\Program Files (x86)\verdaccio> verdaccio-winsvc -h

If you did not already do it, install the windows service now:
C:\Program Files (x86)\verdaccio> verdaccio-winsvc install

You may either start the service via the windows services panel or by:
C:\Program Files (x86)\verdaccio> verdaccio-winsvc start

Switch to your Browser and navigate to http://localhost:4873/
If you need assistance with verdaccio, follow this link.