
Allows writing e2e tests for Answers integrations by emulating the flows that happen when an integration runs on our server.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import wixAnswersIntegrationsTestkit from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/wix-answers-integrations-testkit';


Answers Integrations Testkit & Sandbox

Allows writing e2e tests for Answers integrations by emulating the flows that happen when an integration runs on our server.


npm i answers-integrations-testkit



triggerRegister(data: IntegrationData) => Promise

Simulates a call to the register hook

triggerUnegister(data: IntegrationData) => Promise

Simulates a call to the unregister hook

getTicketViewSandboxUrl: (context: SignedContext) => string;

Returns a url to view a ticket sandbox view - this will render a minimal ticket page with a naive implementation of our SDK. Using this you can test the actual integration to the sidebar.

getRenderedSettingsUrl: (tenantId: string) => string;

Returns a url to the settings - this will render your settings iframe as done in production.

closeServer: () => Promise;

Closes the server. Make sure to call this after your done with your tests.


See test code for examples - this tests the testkit using a dummy integration.


This package also comes with an UI for the testkit. It allows you to add your integration details and trigger hooks / simulate settings / simualte ticket page view.


  1. Install this package globally (npm i -g answers-integrations-testkit)
  2. Run answers-integrations-sandbox
  3. The url of the sandbox will be returned


  • support post message api (close, notify)
  • add full ticket context data example
  • add webhooks support
  • use the real SDK