
$ npm install wmata-bus-js --save

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import wmataBusJs from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/wmata-bus-js';



Build Status


$ npm install wmata-bus-js --save


  1. Get API key
  2. Init client
var Bus = require('wmata-bus-js');
var client = new Bus('api key here');



  • callback(err, data)
  • returns all bus routes

.getBusStops(location, radius, callback)

  • location object {lat: number, lon: number}
  • radius number
  • callback(err, data)
  • returns closest bustops given a location and radius

.getBusScheduleByRoute(id, date, variation, callback)

  • id string
  • date string (dash delimeted)
  • variation string of a bool
  • callback(err, data)
  • returns bus schedules given a specific bus id

.getBusRouteDetails(id, date, callback)

  • id string
  • date string (dash delimeted)
  • callback(err, data)
  • returns bus route details given a specific bus id

.getBusPositions(id, variation, location, radius, callback)

  • id string
  • variation string of a bool
  • location object {lat: number, lon: number}
  • radius number
  • callback(err, data)
  • returns bus positions of a specific area

.getBusScheduleByStop(id, date, callback)

  • id string
  • date string (dash delimeted)
  • callback(err, data)
  • returns bus schedules during a spefic date for a specific bus

.getBusPrediction(id, callback)

  • id string
  • callback(err, data)
  • returns bus predictions for a specific bus

.getClosestPrediction(location, radius, limit, callback)

  • location object {lat: number, lon: number}
  • radius number
  • limit number - limit to how many stops you want
  • returns the closest stops within a limit and radius's prediction times.


var Bus = require('wmata-bus-js');
var client = new Bus('api key here');
var location = {
  lat: 41,
  lon: 39

client.getBusRoutes(function(err, data) {
  // do something with data

client.getBusStops(location, '500', function(err, data) {
  // do something with data

client.getBusScheduleByRoute('16L', '2014-09-19', 'false', function(err, data) {
  // do something with data

client.getBusRouteDetails('16L', '2014-09-19', function(err, data) {
  // do something with data

client.getBusPositions('10A', 'true', location, 500, function(err, data) {
  // do something with data

client.getBusScheduleByStop('2000019', '2014-09-19', function(err, data) {
  // do something with data

client.getBusPrediction('1001343', function(err, data) {
  // do something with data

client.getClosestPrediction(location, 500, 3, function(err, data) {
  // do something with data