Pouch DB module
version 1.0.11
This project is used to implement Pouch DB into your Node.js application.
Setting up the module
- clone the repository
- run "npm install" to install dependencies needed to run
Building the module
The module uses Typescript compiler (TSC) to compile the source code. To build the project run the following command:
- npm run build
Installing the module for testing
You can install the module into your own node.js project as a dependency. After you clone the module you can install using the following command:
- npm install /absolute/path/to/modules/directory
- i.e. -> npm install /Users/jclark/Documents/WorkProjects/custom-node-modules/wmtp-pouch-db
Installing the module from npm
Use the following command to install from npm
- npm install wmtp-pouch-db
Importing the module
Once you have the module installed you can import exported functions into your code like so:
import { createDatabase, saveDocument, getAllDocuments } from 'wmtp-pouch-db'
Using the module
Here is a few examples of the db module being used
//create a database
//get all documents out of the database and set it to local state
const tempArray: object[] = [];
getAllDocuments().then((results:any) => { => {
const dataItem = {
Anxiety: result.anxiety,
Depression: result.depression
this.setState({data: tempArray});
//save or update a new document to the database
saveScore = () => {
const date = new Date();
const dateString=date.getMonth()+1+'/'+date.getDate()+'/'+date.getFullYear();
// if the document already exists update the score
getDocById(dateString).then((result) => {
updateDocument(result, 'depression', this.state.depressionSlider);
updateDocument(result, 'anxiety', this.state.anxietySlider);
// if no document exists create one
else {
_id: dateString,
date: dateString,
anxiety: this.state.anxietySlider,
depression: this.state.depressionSlider
Published module
Here is where the module is currently published: