
Results Graph npm module

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import wmtpResultsgraph from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/wmtp-resultsgraph';



This project is the Graph Result Module that is currently being used in simple mood tracker app. The module is created using react and recharts. Current version: 1.1.10

The NPM package can be found here The package can be installed with: npm i wmtp-resultsgraph

Example Properties

The result graph builds a line graph based on the following properties based on the following props:
data:JSON data used to build the data point

  • dataName:The Name of the data in the JSON data object
  • lineName(optional): The name of the line on the graph
  • StrokeColor: Hexadecimal color of the line and dot
    dataKey:X axis of the chart
    legend(optional):Boolean object that will switch the legend
    title(optional):Title displayed on the top of the graph