
Watchwith Slides Base Implementation.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import wngSlides from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/wng-slides';



Watchwith Slides.

Release Process

The following release process uses Git Flow.

  1. Merge all changes to be released onto the develop branch.
  2. Create the release branch off develop where X.X.X is the version to be released which should be the same as the version in the gradle.properties file.
  • git flow release start X.X.X
  1. Commit any additional changes required for the release on the release branch.
  1. Finish the release.
  • git flow release finish X.X.X
  • git push --tags
  1. Update the version in gradle.properties to reflect the new development version.
  2. Revert boot-close.js file to point to the CSS Dev URL.
  3. Push the new properties file.