
An extensible CLI thats providing mini-modules and tools

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import wolffCli from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/wolff-cli';



An extensible CLI that is providing mini-tools and modules


First of all you will need node (^8.12.0) and npm. After you installed these (see the Node JS Website). You download Wolff-CLI by typing:

  npm install -g wolff-cli


  $ wolff
  # by typing this into your terminal it is starting up
  # for a little bit more information use 'h' or 'help' at any time when
  # it is running

How to add your own tools

  1. export your module in the standard way:
  // require the instance of IOControl created by control-bus.js
  const control = require('../control-bus.js');

  var parrot = {
    name: "name of your tool",
    desc: "The description of your tool",
    aliases: ["name of your tool", "aliases to", "access your", "tool"],
    short: "ara",

    commands: {
      say: {
        name: "\\say",
        desc: "An example function"

  control.on("startTool:ara", () => {
    console.log('an event occurred!: ' + 'starting the parrot Tool');

  // example on command \say
  control.on("cmd:ara:\\say", (answer) => {
    // repeat what the user writes after "\say"
    // e.g [ara]>\say Don't parrot me!
    // @ara_:Don't parrot me
    let msg = '@' + control.curCol(parrot.short) + '_:';

    msg += (answer) ? answer.slice("\\say ".length) : "nope!";

    //write your answer in the console

    // start the prompt again

  // export the description of your module
  module.exports = parrot;

  1. after your script is ready create a folder with the same name as your tool and go to the file lib/tool-modules.js in order to add your modules in alphabetical order
  module.exports = {
    messenger: require('./messenger/messenger.js'),
    parrot: require('./parrot/parrot.js')
  1. at last you install it globally with npm
  npm install -g

now everything is ready to use