A nodejs wrapper forwolfram-alpha-wrapper
A nodejs wrapper for
What is wolfram-alpha-wrapper?
This software is a NodeJS application.
How to test
Install node and its package manager (npm) from here:
Install wolfram-alpha-wrapper dependencies
- install dependencies
npm install
Obtaining an AppID
Visit the Wolfram|Alpha Webservice API website to register for a Wolfram|Alpha API account. An AppID
is provided on completion of API account registration. An AppID
is a string that identifies your application, and it must be supplied in all calls to the Wolfram|Alpha API. If you have multiple applications using the Wolfram|Alpha API, each must have its own AppID
Environment variable WOLFRAM_USERAPPID
After you have an AppID
, you need to edit the value of APP_ID
in demo.js. Only do this during development. You don't want other to use your key and can deplete your call quotas.
For security reason the safe place to store value for APP_ID
is an enviroment variable named WOLFRAM_USERAPPID
. You might use a .bashrc
or equivalent to store this id.
Testing using .logs/test-query.xml
To test immediately how wolfram-alpha-wrapper process a Wolfram|Alpha XML files, I have provided the XML file I have recieved while querying for the input word 'random' using my AppID
and save it into .logs/test-query.xml
- setup include/WAConfig.js to use local file
// javascript
var config = require('./include/WAConfig');
config.set('USELOCALFILE', true);
- setup ./index.js to use local file
// javascript
var engine = require('./index.js');
var input = 'INPUTPARAMETER';
engine.getRequest(input, 'file://./.logs/test-query.xml', function (err, xml){
... PROCESS err and xml here
Run demo.js
The provided demo.js is use to test wolfram-alpha-wrapper
by just reading file .logs/test-query.xml
instead of reading it from
- To capture the result of running demo.js
node demo > demo.json
* doc/demo.json is the sample output of reading 'random' information on the web site.
## Testing using mocha via npm
npm test
* Mocha test will display the following
wolfram-alpha-wrapper@0.1.0 test /projects/wolfram-alpha-wrapper mocha -b test -u tdd -R spec
WolframAlphaWrapperTest ✓ Contructor test ✓ config.set("appID") ✓ engine.constructURL(input, other) ✓ engine.parseXML(xml, cb) ✓ engine.readXML(url, cb)
5 passing (27ms)
## Testing using grunt
grunt Running "jshint:gruntfile" (jshint) task
✔ No problems
Running "jshint:lib" (jshint) task
✔ No problems
Running "jshint:test" (jshint) task
✔ No problems
Running "mochaTest:test" (mochaTest) task ․․․․․
5 passing (35ms)
Done, without errors.
## The benifit of using locally cache file
Currently, when you signup a free account in [](), your free application will have a limit of 2000 call per month.
For development purposes, we can cache the resulting XML into a file per input value. This way, the developer account can avoid exceeding it monthly API call quotas.
The `getResults(input, otherParams, callback)` method is design to programmatically switch from reading information on Wolframa|Alpha endpoint []( or on the local file.
## Copyright Notice
* The included node js files (as listed below) were distributed with [MIT]( license.
## Reference
Node js code were based from the PHP wrapper publish here [](
API Information were taken from [](
Other Wolframa Alpha API information taken from [](
[MIT]( license.