A simple IRC bot that connects to a server/channel of choice and will relay any messages addressed to it in the channel to Wolfram Alpha for quick answers to your precise questions.
You may need to install libxml outside npm first:
sudo apt-get install libxml2-dev # for libxmljs
Then either globally install the bot:
npm install -g wolfram-irc
curl > .wa.json
# edit gedit .wa.json
Or, if you want to fork and work directly:
git clone
cd wolfram-irc
npm install
# edit .wa.json
npm start
Config options
The first 2 options IRC nickname, server, then a bunch of option objects:
options object for the irc modulestream
options object for irc-stream modulewolfram
options object for the wolfram-alpha
You can put the apiKey
in your config, but it will be overridden if the WOLFRAM_APPID
environment variable is set.
The Wolfram|Alpha® API is available for free for non-commercial experimental use with a low monthly cap on queries. For more information, visit Wolfram is a registered trademark of the Wolfram Group of Companies.
a list of usernames that you will allow to use the bot. Given that there are usage limits/potential costs, you may not want people you don't know spamming it with a script. Remove this list to allow everyone.
is a dictionary that will be merged into the query parameters. You can for example override your locatation and default unit selection with
{"location": "London, UK", "units": "nonmetric"}
can be set to get the bot to dump the raw response object json to the console.
<clux> wolfram: lunchtime
<wolfram> clux: results for lunchtime (English word):
<wolfram> noun | the customary or habitual hour for eating lunch
<ob> clvr: wii?
<rwge> go on then
<clvr> ob: Yes, the wii.
<ob> there's 2
<littlerob> wolfram: wii?
<rwge> go on then
<wolfram> littlerob: results for w | i | i | _:
<wolfram> (no complete common words)
<littlerob> wolfram: mario kart?
<wolfram> littlerob: results for Mario Kart (video game):
<wolfram> platform | Nintendo Game Boy Advance
<wolfram> publisher | Nintendo
<littlerob> wolfram is not enthusiastic
<wolfram> littlerob: results for enthusiastic (English word) | antonym:
<wolfram> unenthusiastic
<littlerob> yes
<littlerob> wolfram is unenthusiastic
<wolfram> littlerob: results for unenthusiastic (English word):
<wolfram> adjective | not enthusiastic; lacking excitement or ardor
<littlerob> yes wolfram
<ob> he's adorable
<ob> he thinks he's being helpful but he's not
<littlerob> clvr: shall i bet red or blue?
<clvr> littlerob: Yes.
<littlerob> thanks, clvr
<clux> ^^
<tjw> clvr: shall i bet red or blue?
<clvr> tjw: Please.
<tjw> clvr: shall i bet red or blue?
<tjw> wolfram: red or blue?
<clvr> tjw: Blue.
<wolfram> tjw: results for red (color) | blue (color):
<wolfram> --link to image containing only the colors of blue and red next to their names--
* clux doesn't know what he expected
MIT-Licensed. See LICENSE file for details.