Convert the origin of a Git repository, from Bitbucket to GitHub or GitHub to Bitbucket.
- Made in OS : Windows 7
- Tested in OS : Windows 7
- Language Used : JavaScript
- Dependencies : node.js >= 0.8.0, npm >= 1.3.8
- License : BSD 3-Clause License
How To
Install via npm:
npm install -g wololo
Using wololo
To change the repository from Bitbucket to GitHub:
$ wololo -g
$ wololo --github
To change the repository from GitHub to Bitbucket:
$ wololo -b
$ wololo --bitbucket
OBS: The wololo only works in the repository directory.
To Do
- Support directory input
The links below help me write wololo.js
- Execute A Unix Command With Node.js | Dzone
- Child Process Node.js v0.10.20 Manual & Documentation
- How do I trim a string in JavaScript? - Stack Overflow
- javascript - How to pass command line arguments to node.js - Stack Overflow
- How to exit in Node.JS - Stack Overflow
- process Node.js v0.10.20 Manual & Documentation
- File System Node.js v0.10.20 Manual & Documentation
- Path Node.js v0.10.20 Manual & Documentation
- node.js - What's the difference between process.cwd() vs __dirname? - Stack Overflow