
A Node.js wrapper for the WooCommerce REST API. Easily interact with the WooCommerce REST API using this library.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import woocommerceApiHeadesSuport from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/woocommerce-api-heades-suport';


WooCommerce API - Node.js Client

A Node.js wrapper for the WooCommerce REST API. Easily interact with the WooCommerce REST API using this library.

build status dependency status npm version


npm install --save woocommerce-api-heades-suport

Getting started

Use jwt tikens .

Check out the WooCommerce API endpoints and data that can be manipulated in http://woocommerce.github.io/woocommerce-rest-api-docs/.


Setup for the new WP REST API integration (WooCommerce 2.6 or later):

var WooCommerceAPI = require('woocommerce-api');

var WooCommerce = new WooCommerceAPI({
  url: 'http://example.com',
  wpAPI: true,
  version: 'wc/v1'

Setup for the old WooCommerce legacy API:

var WooCommerceAPI = require('woocommerce-api');

var WooCommerce = new WooCommerceAPI({
  url: 'http://example.com',
  version: 'v3'


Option Type Required Description
url String yes Your Store URL, example: http://woo.dev/
tokenJwt String yes JWT token
wpAPI Bool no Allow requests to the WP REST API (WooCommerce 2.6 or later)
wpAPIPrefix String no Custom WP REST API URL prefix, used to support custom prefixes created with the rest_url_prefix filter
version String no API version, default is v3
verifySsl Bool no Verify SSL when connect, use this option as false when need to test with self-signed certificates
encoding String no Encoding, default is 'utf-8'
queryStringAuth Bool no When true and using under HTTPS force Basic Authentication as query string, default is false
port string no Provide support for URLs with ports, eg: 8080
timeout Integer no Define the request timeout


Params Type Description
endpoint String WooCommerce API endpoint, example: customers or order/12
data Object JS object, will be converted to JSON
callback Function Callback function. Returns err, data and res


  • .get(endpoint)
  • .get(endpoint, callback)


  • .post(endpoint, data)
  • .post(endpoint, data, callback)


  • .put(endpoint, data)
  • .put(endpoint, data, callback)


  • .delete(endpoint)
  • .delete(endpoint, callback)


  • .options(endpoint)
  • .options(endpoint, callback)

Promified Methods

Every method can be used in a promified way just adding Async to the method name. Like in:

WooCommerce.getAsync('products').then(function(result) {
  return JSON.parse(result.toJSON().body);

Release History

  • 2018-12-14 - v1.1.0 - Remove secret key