WooCommerce products to CSV
This tool helps you get a CSV file with product data from a Woocommerce/Wordpress web shop. This CSV file can then directly be used to import your products into NearSt.
Getting a XML file from Wordpress
First, you have to export a file from Wordpress. Unfortunately, Wordpress only allows you to export XML files in their own format, which is why you need this tool :)
The steps are as follows:
- After singing in to the Wordpress admin panel of your website, go to Tools > Export in the menu on the left.
- You are now asked what content you want to export. Select Products.
- Click Download export file to get your XML file.
Installing the tool
Install Nodejs (v4+) and NPM, then run:
npm install -g woocommerce-to-csv
Node version
Don't have Nodejs v4? Use the following two commands in your terminal to upgrade:
npm install -g n
n 4
Using the tool
Simply locate the path of the XML export file, and decide where you want to store your CSV, then run this:
woocommerce-to-csv your.export.file.xml products.csv
This will yield a file with information about your products.