A tool for building and using simple node.js backends.
The basic idea comes from an observation that most of the screens I write in my apps can be broken down into:
- state
- actions on that state
Given the above, I sought to find the simplest interface that would suffice.
To that end, Woolly has two parts. WoollyClient and WoollyServer.
Example Usage
// Woolly Server
const app = require('express')()
const server = app.listen(3000)
let w = WoollyServer(server)
// This example stores all messages in an in memory map of topicName => [messages...]
let messages = {}
const route = '/topics/:topic'
const getState = ({topic}) => messages[topic] || []
const actions = {
addMessage: (message) => {
// Modify the state
messages[topic] = (messages[topic] || []).concat([message])
w.handler(route, getState, actions)
const WoollyClient = require('woolly/lib/WoollyClient.js')
const client = WoollyClient('/topics/testing', (messages) => {
//Update the view here
console.log('topic messages:', messages)
client.actions.addMessage({text: `Tick ${new Date()}`})
Returns a WoollyServer attached to the HTTP server.
WoollyServer.handler(route, getState, actions) : WoollyServer
Makes a resource available at the given route
. When a client connects to it, they start receiving its current state as determined by calling getState()
is a map of action names to handler functions. After an action is completed, the state is considered updated, and all connected clients will receive the new state.
WoollyClient(uri, onChange) : WoollyClient
Generates a WoollyClient and connects it to the uri provided. When a state change occurs, the onChange handler will be called., params = {}) : Promise
Sends a request for the server to perform the action with the provided params (if any)
WoollyClient.actions.ACTION_NAME(params = {}) : Promise
Each action defined in the server is available by name here and can be invoked.
WoollyClient.on(event:string, callback:function)
Allows clients to register for the events 'ready', 'connected', 'disconnected', and 'error'. Until the ready event is fired, the actions map will be empty.
Disconnects the client from the WoollyServer