
Core library for creating real time collaborative documents without Operational transformation (WOOT). This package provides the core logic and data types for building a server capable and handling real time editing with WOOT.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import wootJs from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/woot-js';



Core library for creating real time collaborative documents without operational transformation (WOOT). This package provides the core logic and data types for building a client and server capable of handling real time editing with WOOT. This package is environment agnostic - meaning it is suitable for use in both client and server environments.

Note: if building a real time collaborative application, you will also need a notification layer (such as web-sockets), and likely a library to help handle input events (such as a JS text editor).




$ npm install --save woot-js


npm test


For a detailed example, take a look at the example directory. This shows a minimal setup using woot-js along with a web socket library to create a real time collaborative application with multiple clients.

Start the server using node example/server.js. Then navigate to http://localhost:3000/example to see the running application. Open multiple browser windows to see realtime updates across multiple clients.

Note: this is a minimal example used to show how operations can be managed across multiple clients. It does not correctly handle all text editing interactions, such as copy/paste/bulk delete - a more robust application would likely use a JS text editor to better handle these events.


  • makeWootClientEmpty :: Int -> WootClient

Takes a client id and returns a new client with an empty string. This will most often be used on the server when initializing a new client.

  • makeWootClient :: WString -> Int -> WootClient

Creates a client from a known string. This will most often be used to sync a newly connected client with existing server state.

  • sendOperation :: WootClient -> Operation -> WootClient

Apply an operation to a client. Note: if the operation cannot be applied the original client will be returned without modification.

  • sendLocalDelete :: WootClient -> Int -> {operation: ?Operation, client: WootClient}
  • sendLocalInsert :: WootClient -> Int -> String -> {operation: ?Operation, client: WootClient}

Apply a local operation to a client. This should only be used when directly applying a local modification to the client that originated it. If the resulting value includes a non-null operation, the operation should be emitting to all other connected clients. Note: this makes assumptions about the ability to integrate to provided operation into the client.

  • showClientString :: WootClient -> String

Format a string representation of the internal client string.


  • Setup CI