
Enhances nopt with ability to interpret words as options

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import wopt from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/wopt';



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Enhances nopt with ability to interpret words as options.

Word options are added by this package so I named it wopt.


npm install wopt --save


This library wraps nopt so look at the nopt README to understand how to use it.

Then, look here to see the extra functionality added by wopt.

// we'll use this to specify the type of an option
var path = require('path')
  , wopt = require('wopt')
  , optionSpec = {
      // the usual spot for options
      version: Boolean,
      help   : Boolean,
      from   : [path, Array],
      to     : [path],
  , aliases = {
    // the usual spot for aliases
    v: ['--version'],
    h: ['--help'],
    f: ['--from'],
    t: ['--to'],
    // and now the aliases allowed by wopt.
    // put them into their own object so they can be easily separated.
    $words: {
      version: '--version',
      help   : '--help',
      '?'    : '--help'
      from   : '--from',
      to     : '--to',
  , parsed = wopt(optionSpec, aliases, process.argv, 2)

// these commands would all produce the same result, shown below:
//   node myindex.js --from some/file --from another/file --to output/file
//   node myindex.js -f some/file -f another/file -t output/file
//*  node myindex.js from some/file from another/file to output/file

// resulting `parsed` object of the last one:
  from: [ 'some/file', 'another/file' ] // paths
  to  : 'output/file' // path
  argv: {
    original: [ // the original before this library changed the words
      'from', 'some/file', 'from', 'another/file', 'to', 'output/file'
    cooked: [
      '--from', 'some/file', '--from', 'another/file', '--to', 'output/file'
    remain: []

// with the above options these alternatives are also available:
//   node myindex.js version
//   node myindex.js help
//   node myindex.js ?

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