
A library of to show Word Cloud in ReactJs ![alt tag](https://github.com/sazzadsazib/word-cloud-react/blob/master/Docs/word%20cloud%20react.png)

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import wordCloudReact from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/word-cloud-react';


Word Cloud React · GitHub license GitHub license

A library of to show Word Cloud in ReactJs alt tag

Getting Started

To install the package run command.
npm i word-cloud-react --save
or using yarn
yarn add word-cloud-react
import the packages to your react Component,
import { WordCloud } from "word-cloud-react";
Use the component as:

            logFunc={(x)=> Math.log2(x) * 5} 
            data={[{"word":"gt feature recipe","value":275},{"word":"searchknorrproduct service feature","value":275},.......]} 
            color={['#71803F', '#F8AC1D','#598EC0','#E2543E','#1A3051','#F46F73','#8A87BB','#56CFCD','#297373','#FF8552','#F2E863','#C2F8CB','#3A6EA5','#FF6700','#C0C0C0','#4E4381','#523CBD',]}/>


There are different conditional Props available in this component, they are,

Name Type Sample Required Description
width "auto" or any integer width={"auto"} or width={600} true The width of the word cloud
maxFont integer maxFont={40} false , default : 40 Max Font size for font sizing algorithm for the max value
minFont integer minFont={10} false , default : 10 Min Font size for font sizing algorithm for the min value
logFunc function logFunc={(x)=> Math.log2(x) * 5} false , if logfunction not provided than maxFont, minFont algorithm will be used If this props provided maxFont and minFont will not work. this will use log function to size your word the function you provide as props.
clickEvent function clickEvent={(x)=>console.log(x.word)} false get the function for click event through this props.
color array of string hex color code color={['#71803F', '#F8AC1D','#598EC0','#E2543E']} true color hex for randomise your word. more color more random it will be. user has control over this color generations not over its randomness
data array data={[{"word":"gt feature recipe","value":275},...]} true data that you will provide for word cloud


If you want to work in this project. fork it, use the files from


component to work. and,

npm run build

to build.

and send a pull request.


Current Version: 0.1.7



This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE.md file for details