
Provide simple rules which determine the creation of fictional words

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import wordFabricator from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/word-fabricator';


Word Fabricator

Generate fictional words by specifying rules

const configure_word_fabricator = require('./path/to/word-fabricator');

const word_fabricator = configure_word_fabricator({
    blueprint: {
        dr: ['ago', 'e'],
        ago: ['n'],
        n: ['e', 'ago'],
        e: ['gg'],
        gg: [],
    max_length: 6,
    initial_parts: ['dr', 'ago', 'n', 'e'],

const fictional_words = word_fabricator();

console.log(fictional_words.join(', '));

// dr, drago, dragon, dre, dregg, ago, agon, agone, n, ne, negg, nago, nagon, nagone, e, egg

code from demo/usage.js

Getting started

How to install

npm install word-fabricator

How to use


Returns a function to make configurations for how the words will be fabricated

const configure_word_fabricator = require('word-fabricator');


This function requires some initial rules and returns the actual word_fabricator

const word_fabricator = configure_word_fabricator(initial_rules); // specify required rules


This plain object may specify any rules, however it must specify the required rules; blueprint, max_length and initial_parts


Returns the array of fictional words which are fabricated using the provided rules (initial rules and additional rules)

const words = word_fabricator(); // change nothing
// or
const words = word_fabricator(additional_rules); // override/append rules


This object may be undefined to change nothing or specify new rules and/or change predefined initial rules

console.log the list of fabricated words

const list_of_words = words.join(', ');


The rules

* Required in initial_rules


An object where the values is an array of different letters, or rather segments, which are allowed to succeed after the letter segment which is its key. Segments are either one or multiple letters in a string

blueprint: {
    a: ['r', 'rr', 's'],
    e: ['r', 's', 'ss'],
    r: ['a', 'e'],
    rr: ['a', 'e'],
    s: ['r'],
    ss: ['a', 'e'],


The maximum number of letters word-fabricator will try to build words

max_length: 4;


An array of letter segments which every word will be built upon

initial_parts: ['a', 'e', 'r', 's', 'sa'];


  • Validate rules
  • Provide great error messages
  • Arrays and strings should kind of be seen as the same
  • Add some more rules
    • min_length
    • length (specified exact length)
    • Words to be excluded
      • Exact match
      • Substring
      • Regex
    • Something about the endings of the words (allowed, disallowed)
    • Limit the amount of words to be fabricated at a time


  • All rules are allowed as snake_case as well as camelCase (other cases?)
  • Decide if standard should be max segments instead of max length

The user experience I would like to achieve

  1. install the package
  2. require the package
  3. provide some initial rules
    1. throws error if something is invalid
  4. run the function with some additional rules
  5. get the fabricated words