Single function code block for finding the number of repeating words in a text.
yarn add word-frequency-basic
npm i word-frequency-basic
Parameters | Type | Default | Description |
text | string | null | The text to be split into words |
caseSensitive | boolean | true | Allows you to count by paying attention to whether the letters are big or small. |
letter | "normal" / "upperCase" / "lowerCase" | "normal" | Words can be output in uppercase, lowercase or normal letters. |
noPunctuation | boolean | true | Determines whether to remove punctuation marks. |
import numberOfWords from "word-frequency-basic"
numberOfWords(text, caseSensitive, letter, noPunctuation)
import numberOfWords from "word-frequency-basic"
const text = "Hello world, count my words, hello again."
// Example 1
/* Output 1
"Hello": 1,
"world": 1,
"count": 1,
"my": 1,
"words": 1,
"hello": 1,
"again": 1
// Example 2
console.log(numberOfWords(text, false))
/* Output 2
"hello": 2,
"world": 1,
"count": 1,
"my": 1,
"words": 1,
"again": 1
// Example 3
console.log(numberOfWords(text, true, "upperCase"))
/* Output 3
"HELLO": 1,
"WORLD": 1,
"COUNT": 1,
"MY": 1,
"WORDS": 1,
"AGAIN": 1
// Example 4
console.log(numberOfWords(text, true, "normal", false))
/* Output 4
"hello": 1,
"world,": 1,
"count": 1,
"my": 1,
"words,": 1,
"again.": 1