
Persian Wordifier converts simple numbers to words. for example you can use this:

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import wordifyfa from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/wordifyfa';


Persian Wordifier converts simple numbers to words. for example you can use this:

var a = 235000;
var b = wordifyfa(a);
console.log(b); // دویست و سی و پنج هزار
var c = wordifyRials(a); // دویست و سی و پنج هزار ریال
var d = wordifyRialsInTomans(a); // بیست و سه هزار و پانصد تومان

update (2020-05-15)

  • project source reimplemented in typescript

update (2020-04-18)

  • npm package created (npm i wordifyfa)

update (2020-03-11)

  • non english digits support (arabic/persian)
var a = '۱۲۰۳۴۵۱۰۲';
var b = wordifyfa(a);
console.log(b); // یکصد و بیست میلیون و سیصد و چهل و پنج هزار و صد و یکصد و دو

update (2019-09-11)

  • string and thousands separated numbers now supported
var a = '120,345,102';
var b = wordifyfa(a);
console.log(b); // یکصد و بیست میلیون و سیصد و چهل و پنج هزار و صد و یکصد و دو


1- add this line of code in your html.

<script src="wordifyfa.js"></script>

or if you are using Node.js 

npm i wordifyfa
var wf = require('wordifyfa.js');

2- use the code.

in javascript:

    var a = 93390;
    var b = wordifyfa(a); // نود و سه هزار و سیصد و نود

in Node.js:

    var a = 93390;
    var b = wf.wordifyfa(a); // نود و سه هزار و سیصد و نود

following examples are in javascript. if you want use it in Node.js, you must change it as same as previous sample.

# functions:
## 1 converts number to words
    wordifyfa(43); // چهل و سه

or in Node.js :
    var a = require('./wordifyfa.js');

2 converts number to words with Rial sign

    wordifyRials(400); // چهارصد ریال

or in Node :

    var a = require('./wordifyfa.js');

3 converts number that is in Rials to Tomans and wordifies it

    wordifyRialsInTomans(5000); // پانصد تومان

or in Node :

    var a = require('./wordifyfa.js');

4 supports converting persian and arabic digits


more info:

this code now supports max to 999,999,999,999,999. is it sufficient?

Main Contributors