
In memory WordNet dictionary.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import wordnetdictionary from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/wordnetdictionary';




In memory WordNet dictionary.

Use wordnetdictionary.nogloss, if gloss is not needed.
For list of methods, see wordnet.book.

const wn = require('wordnetdictionary');
// -> Book {fromJson, fromDataMap, ...}

var bind = wn.find('bind');
// '(n: noun.cognition) bind.0 (something that hinders as if with bonds)'
// Set {
//   '(n: noun.cognition) hindrance.0, hinderance.0, deterrent.0, impediment.0, balk.0, baulk.0, check.2, handicap.0 (something immaterial that interferes with or delays action or progress)' }

var binds = wn.findAll('bind');
// (find all "bind")
binds.description(false, false, false, true);
// Set {
//   '(n: noun.cognition) bind.0 (something that hinders as if with bonds)',
//   '(v: verb.body) bind.0 (cause to be constipated)',
//   '(v: verb.change) bind.9 (form a chemical bond with)',
//   '(v: verb.communication) bind.0 (bind by an obligation; cause to be indebted)',
//   '(v: verb.contact) bind.0 (make fast; tie or secure,  with or as if with a rope)',
//   '(v: verb.contact) bind.1 (fasten or secure with a rope,  string,  or cord)',
//   '(v: verb.contact) bind.2 (provide with a binding)',
//   '(v: verb.contact) bind.6 (stick to firmly)',
//   '(v: verb.contact) bind.7 (secure with or as if with ropes)',
//   '(v: verb.contact) bind.8 (wrap around with something so as to cover or enclose)',
//   '(v: verb.social) bind.1 (create social or emotional ties)' }
binds = wn.findAll('bind', 'noun', 'verb');
// (find all "bind" including from "noun", but excluding from "verb")
binds.description(false, false, false, true);
// Set {
//   '(n: noun.cognition) bind.0 (something that hinders as if with bonds)' }
binds = wn.findAll('bind', 'noun', 'verb.contact');
// (find all "bind" including from "noun", but excluding from "verb.contact")
binds.description(false, false, false, true);
// Set {
//   '(n: noun.cognition) bind.0 (something that hinders as if with bonds)',
//   '(v: verb.body) bind.0 (cause to be constipated)',
//   '(v: verb.change) bind.9 (form a chemical bond with)',
//   '(v: verb.communication) bind.0 (bind by an obligation; cause to be indebted)' }
binds.hypernyms().description(false, false, false, true);
// Set {
//   '(n: noun.cognition) hindrance.0, hinderance.0, deterrent.0, impediment.0, balk.0, baulk.0, check.2, handicap.0 (something immaterial that interferes with or delays action or progress)',
//   '(v: verb.body) indispose.0 (cause to feel unwell)',
//   '(v: verb.contact) adhere.0, hold_fast.0, bond.0, bind.6, stick.0, stick_to.3 (stick to firmly)',
//   '(v: verb.social) relate.0 (have or establish a relationship to)' }