
Searches a string for Wordpress shortcodes and calls a mapped function with the attributes as parameters. Return values replace the shortcode in the string.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import wordpressShortcodeFunctionsJs from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/wordpress-shortcode-functions-js';



Searches a string for Wordpress shortcodes and calls a mapped function with the attributes as parameters. Return values replace the shortcode in the string.

Usage: WPShortcodes( string, functionMap );

Returns an object with the following structure:

{ markup: The returned markup shortcodes : [ {
code: The shortcode name, raw: The entire shortcode, attributes: [ { name: The name of the attribute. value: The value of the attribute. } ]
} ] }

The functionMap object should be sorted as such:

{ 'exampleShortcode': exampleShortcodeFunction }

Where the value is a valid function. The shortcode attributes will be passed to the function as an object with the following structure:

{ name: Attribute name, value: Attribute value }