Extracts unique words and hyphens from text stripping punctuation on the way.
In your project path:
npm install words-and-hyphens --save
var pattern = require(''); // for more information visit
var extractor = require('words-and-hyphens')(pattern);
extractor.uniqueWords('My, st[ring] *full* of %punct) "and\' of the same Same same words.');
// -> ['and', 'full', 'My', 'of', 'punct', 'same', 'string', 'the', 'words']
extractor.uniqueWords('My, st[ring] *full* of %punct) "and\' of the same Same same words.', true);
// -> ['and', 'full', 'My', 'of', 'punct', 'Same', 'same', 'string', 'the', 'words']
extractor.uniqueHyphens('Fischers\' Fritz fischt frische Fische.');
// -> ['fi', 'fischt', 'fri', 'fritz', 'sche', 'schers'];
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